How to do Abs Pull downs



1.       Sit with your knees on the ground and your face towards the pull down machine.

2.       The hand attachment of the pull down machine should be in front of your face.


1.       Hold the hand attachment with both hands and pull it down so that your elbows get close to your knees.


1.        Slowly take your body back to the initial position.


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How to do Back squat jumps



1. Find a raised platform

2. Stand straight with your back towards the raised platform and your hands straight on your sides.


1. Jump backwards on the raised platform. Jump as high as possible. When you land, bend your knees to absorb the impact and stretch out your hands so that they are parallel with the ground.


1. Jump back on the lower ground and come back to your initial position.


Have you tried squat jumps before? Share us your experience by adding them through the comment box below.

How to do Ball Pikes




1.       Putyour exercise ball on a flat surface on the floor.

2.       Stand with the ball behind you.

3.       Put your palms flat down on the floor as you would with a regular push up.

4.       Place your ankles on top of the ball one at a time while keeping your balance.

5.       Keep your arms perpendicular to the ground and the rest of your body parallel to the floor.


1.       Raise your hips toward the ceiling while rolling your legs on top of the ball so that your body forms a right angle at the pelvis.

2.       Keep both your legs straight.


Press your hips down and roll back the ball with your legs until you’re back to your arms are perpendicular to the floor and your body is parallel to the ground again.


Have ball pikes been effective for your abs training? Share us how by leaving your comments below.

How to do Ball Crunches




  1. Find a nice, open spot in the room and place your exercise ball on the floor.
  2. Sit on the ball and inch your feet forward. Stop only when your lower back is resting on the ball.
  3. You can either touch the tips of your ears lightly with your fingers or keep your arms crossed in front of you.


  1. Lift your upper body while keeping your core muscles taut.
  2. Stop midway when you’ve reached a challenging angle. That’s approximately 45 degrees. Hold that position for a few seconds.
  3. Engage your abdominal muscles by keeping your neck and shoulders as relaxed as you possibly can.


  1. Slowly bring yourself back down and lie on the ball.
  2. Stay in that position for about 1-2 seconds.


Do you do your ball crunches a bit differently? Tell us how by entering your comments below.