How to do Barbell Push Sit-ups


To help build a strong core, barbell push sit-ups are designed to bring greater resistance for your abs. By working out on the inclined bench and at the same time using weights, these put added intensity to your workout, making it an effective abs training to tighten those abdominal muscles.

As you lift your torso while pushing the barbells upward, regularly doing barbell push sit-ups also serves to strengthen and broaden your upper body, mainly your shoulders, triceps and chest.

A key to targeting these muscles correctly is to perform this workout gradually and in correct form. Ensure that as you execute barbell push sit-ups, your lower back is secured in place lest you run the risk of injuring your back. This workout is more of an abs exercise more than anything else and should not involve your hips.

Another strategy to make full use of its benefits is to attempt to have your upper body move as high and then as low as possible in order to fully work out your muscle fiber. You may start with lighter weights to make this easier then gradually increase difficulty by adding weights as you go along.

Include barbell push sit-ups in your training routine and see those abs muscles grow while the belly fat goes away.



  1. Place your exercise bar or barbell next to the inclined bench.
  2. Lie flat on thebench and hook both your feet underneath the foot pad.
  3. Reach out for the barbell and hold it up directly above you with both arms, shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Use overhand grips and keep your arms straight at all times.



  1. Raise your torso off the inclined bench until your upper body is almost at a 90degree angle with the floor.
  2. Simultaneously push the barbell closer to the ceiling while keeping all the weight above your shoulders.
  3. Keep lower back and thighs stationary at all times.


Slowly go back down to your original position.


Do you have other strategies to make barbell push-up’s easier? Send them by leaving your comments below.

How to do Single Legged Push Ups




  1. Lie flat on the floor, face down.
  2. Position hands on the floor, palms down, a few inches away from the sides of your chest so your elbows are sticking outward.
  3. Flex your feet so your toes are the only part of your feet that are touching the floor.
  4. Lift your left leg slightly higher than your right, bending at the knee a little.


Extend your arms and push against the floor to raise your body while keepingyour back and right legstraight.


Lower your body down to your original position by bending at the elbows. Maintain a straight  back and right leg even while you descend back down to the floor.


Repeat this process several times before doing the same thing with the other leg.

What other tips can you provide to performing single legged push ups? Share them by leaving a comment below.

How to do Wide Push Ups



In your daily activities, there are only very few tasks that exert pressure on the chest area, making it a largely ignored body part. Hence, when doing your six pack abs exercises, this is where you need to put your focus on. And performing wide push ups may just help you do the trick.

The push up still remains to be one of the most effective upper body exercises, even with the advancement of new and more sophisticated equipment. With wide push ups in particular, greater intensity is added to shoulders, abs and triceps apart from your chest, as you lift your upper body. The higher number of reps you are able to do, the more you strengthen your chest and force your abs muscles to contract. Unlike regular push ups, wide push ups engage your chest and abs more than just your arms and shoulders. This helps you improve your core strength and firms up your chest in ways that normal activities cannot simply do. Because of this, more calories are also burned in the process.

Check the video below as a way of helping you do your wide push ups in excellent form and achieve maximum benefits from it.



  1. Lie flat on the floor, face down.
  2. Position your palms on the floor directly under your bent elbows and flex your feet so your toes are touching the ground.


  1. Push against the palms of your hands and your toes while lifting your whole body off the ground. Stop when your elbows are straightened out.
  2. Maintain straight knees and back at all times.


Carefully lower yourself back down to your original position.

Add to or modify the steps mentioned above. Leave your comments below.

How to do Wide Push Ups



Do you want to get more benefits from your usual push ups while striving to get ripped abs? Try doing the wide push ups instead. Wide push ups are called such because your hands are spread more far apart than the traditional push ups. When you do this, you put greater emphasis on your chest because it does more of the work than your arms. As you try to lift your upper body while performing this exercise, you use a greater portion of your chest which helps broadens this area.

However, wide push ups continue to provide benefits for your shoulders, triceps and abs so this can be a better alternative overall to the regular push ups. Moreover, many people have reported that this can be easier to do and they are able to do more reps of this exercise in a single set.

As you are able to do more push ups, your overall strength also improves, further increasing the number you can do.

Indeed, when you talk about increasing upper body power, wide push ups will inevitably be part of this list, if not on top. So should you include this exercise in your training to build washboard abs faster.



  1. Lie on the floor, face down.
  2. Position your hands on the floor and push them slightly outward so there is more distance between your hands compared to a regular push-up.
  3. Flex your feet so that your toes are touching the ground.


Extend your arms and lift your chest off the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles tight, and your upper body and legs as straight as possible.


Slowly lower your body back to the floor.



Have another method to do wide push-up’s? Share your ideas and input your comments below.

How to do Abs Plank



Do you want to know the secret to strengthening your core? It begins not by using any equipment but requires only yourself. It starts by regularly incorporating abs plank as part of your abs routine. Many fitness experts recommend the abs plank not just due to its less complicated moves but the pressure it is able to put on your target muscles.

The abs plank position looks a bit similar with that of push ups except the greater challenge is holding the position for a longer period of time. As you do so, be deliberate about tightening your abs to maximize on its effectiveness. If you are a beginner, you can start by holding this position for about 10-15 seconds. Whereas some pros have been shown to be able to hold it by as much as over 5 minutes!

While doing the abs plank, be conscious of how your back, hips and legs are positioned. Make sure they are flat throughout the entire time you are holding your position to add resistance not just for your abs but for your lower back and glutes as well, thereby making the exercise work for you.

As simple as it may seem, this is far from being an easy exercise for the beginner but definitely, a highly effective one!



  1. Lie on the floor, face down.
  2. Position your hands on the floor, palms facing down, shoulder width apart.
  3. Flex your feet, so your body is parallel to the floor, your elbows are bent, and only your toes are the part of your feet that are touching the ground.


1.     Fully extend your arms and lift your weight upward, keeping your back and legs as straight as possible.

2.     Hold that position for as long as you can.


Lower your body back to your original position.


Has this exercise helped you? Let us know by adding your comments below.