10 Ways on How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

Have you ever tried losing extra pounds while your metabolism is working against you? Have you ever wondered how to boost your metabolism naturally? Despite the fact that there are many factors which contribute to the body’s metabolism, it is easy to boost it by some really simple methods and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle like eating right, exercising, and avoiding stress. There are things you can do to keep your energy at its peak and your body in shape.

Here are the 10 ways on how to boost your metabolism naturally:

1. Make sure you eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should have a healthy and nutritious breakfast to give you that energy boost you’ll require throughout the day.

2. Don’t starve. Do not skip meals. Starving and depriving your body of fuel is a surefire way to slow down your metabolism.

3. Eat small meals more frequently – like five to six times a day. Having six small meals everyday, which is a substitute of three large meals, is a great step you can take in understanding how to boost your metabolism naturally.

4. Get enough aerobic exercise. Indulging yourself in any aerobic exercise and other physical activity, like planning a morning work out, helps you to increase your metabolism.

5. Drink plenty of water – like 8–10 times daily. Keep your body hydrated since our body needs water for proper digestion. In fact, drinking of water before any meal may curb your cravings and hunger.

6. Include hot foods in your diet – using herbs and spices. Cayenne pepper, turmeric, and chili powders are well known to help in increasing the body’s metabolism, losing weight, and detoxifying the body.

7. Avoid diets that are too low in calories. Low-calorie diets are known to have natural side-effects and that could only lead you to gain extra weight after the diet is over.

8. Ditch the sugar. Get the requirement of sugar through fruit intake or make use of pure honey to sweeten.  That’s how to boost your metabolism naturally.

9. Avoid stress and take at least 6–8 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep will increase your metabolism quickly and effectively. It helps the body to preserve energy and activate metabolism.

10. Get enough B vitamins. Get the bulk of your vitamin B from food, where they pair up with other vitamins and minerals for a complete synergy of action. Foods that are high in B’s include spinach, beans (navy, soy, and black beans), melon, broccoli, asparagus, fish, poultry, and eggs.

For your information, this sluggishness in your metabolism can leave you feeling exhausted and finding it hard to lose weight due to age, lack of exercise, starving, and eating unhealthy foods. Losing weight happens by burning more calories each day than you consume. Doing physical activity is exactly how to boost your metabolism. The weight loss industry makes millions every year by taking advantage of people who lack nutritional knowledge.

Remember what you eat for the whole week. Make sure that the foods you eat are high in nutrients, rich in fiber, and has antioxidants.  By sincerely following the 10 ways on how to boost your metabolism naturally, you can amazingly feel and watch the inches and pounds practically melt away.  Be an enthusiast now in boosting your metabolism naturally.

Which metabolism boosting strategy worked best for you? Leave your insights below.

How to Reduce Fat Stomach – The # 1 Exercise

Have you ever done sit-ups for long periods at a time, but are still clueless how to reduce fat stomach effectively? Well, the good news is that it can be done. In fact, many have successfully built ripped abs by doing rigorous training and, more importantly, incorporating the # 1 exercise for abs – the crunch or curl-up exercise.

Most trainers and fitness professionals recommend crunches rather than sit-ups as a tummy toning exercise because it’s safer and it targets just the right muscles in your abdominals. Crunches may seem very easy to do, but the key in carrying out a successful crunch is to follow the steps carefully, and that’s exactly how to reduce fat stomach.

Here’s how you will do the most effective exercise to reduce fat stomach:

Using the correct technique is more important than how many you can do. I could not stress this enough. Doing a hundred crunches in poor form can only lead to injuries.

First, lie on your back on a mat with your hands lightly supporting either the back of your head or your neck. Begin by contracting your abdominal muscles to lift your upper torso while keeping your lower back on the mat. Use slow, controlled movements and be sure to work on all parts of your abdominals – upper, lower, transverse, and obliques.

For extra conditioning, hold at the top of each contraction for a few seconds. With each crunch, pull your bellybutton to the floor as if concaving or sucking in your stomach, and then roll back down to the starting position and repeat the steps. This will really help you learn how to reduce fat stomach even more. You can also try twisting to your side alternately to engage your oblique muscles more.

With just 10-20 repetitions of the crunch exercise and doing them correctly without relying on your momentum, you’ll start to feel your abdominal muscles burn. That’s a good thing though. So if you’re tired of your bulges, beer belly, or muffin top, crunches or curl ups are your best bet on how to reduce fat stomach.

Melt Belly Fat Easy – 3 Best Workout Environments for You

What is the best way to melt belly fat easy? Getting six pack abs can be an overwhelming task for you. When you learn about the heavy abs workout, you might think twice about doing it.  However, it shouldn’t be that way.

You can’t deny it; getting six pack abs requires HARD WORK. For you to get the most out of your workouts, you must enjoy what you’re doing and feel as comfortable as possible. When you consider any kind of work you do as fun, you won’t even notice the difficulty it involves. That is why your workout environment plays a big role in achieving your six pack abs goal. You can melt belly fat and have fun at the same time.

Choosing the most favorable environment for your workout is advantageous because you get to work with ease through the most challenging parts of your training. Even how heavy the exercise may be, you’ll look at it as a way of relaxation and recreation.

So how will you determine the best workout environment for you? What does your personality reflect? Are you motivated working with others? Or do you prefer to work peacefully by yourself? Let me help you make the right choice. Read on and by the end of this article you will determine what environment best suits you.

1. Socially Inclined

If you’re the type that gets motivated when working with other people, the gym is, definitely, the best workout environment for you. Various exercise facilities offer trial sessions and other discounted promotions to suit your financial capability.

Working out at the gym can be helpful in many ways. You can get to meet people who are expert in building six pack abs and share the same interest as yours. You can also get the benefit of certain exercise equipment that will melt belly fat faster.

2. The Shy Type

While many will get motivated with gorgeous bodies surrounding them, some may find it intimidating. The idea of keeping up with these fitness fanatics can ruin your determination if you’re uncomfortable socializing with them.

You can cast all those worries away. It doesn’t matter if you want to melt belly fat in your own private space. Working out in the comforts of your home is as effective as working out in the gym. All you need is to select a peaceful spot where you can move around easily.

3. Needs to be Trained Personally

Now, you might be the type who doesn’t want to work with a lot of big buffs. Still, you also find yourself helplessly lost without anyone to guide you. Then having a personal trainer is the perfect fit for you.

A personal trainer can give you the motivation and the right mindset when you want to melt belly fat. This method though, can be expensive. If you can afford it, then by all means do so. However, if you’re financially incapable of hiring one, don’t get discouraged.

There is an alternative way to have a personal trainer and that’s through interactive workout videos. Stocking up on this useful yet inexpensive tool will give you the kind of training taught step by step. It is just like having your own fitness trainer.  What’s so good about it, especially with the advanced technology nowadays, is you can easily access these videos where ever you are, whenever you like.

Now you can choose which workout environment will be best for you. Just keep in mind that doing your workout regularly and enjoying every second of it will melt belly fat sooner than you imagine.

Which workout environment best suits you? Share your thoughts below.

peter carvell’s story

Today, I want to share a story about Peter Carvell.

Let’s face it, no one decides one day to consciously become grossly overweight with extra cottage cheese all over their body.

That’s something in your younger years you may have thought was “not going to happen to you”.

You’d never become that guy or that girl that people secretly point to and comment about at the beach.

This is where Peter found himself. At a whopping 270 pounds and more than 30% body fat when he looked into the mirror he found that he had become “that guy”.

“that guy” with his stomach spilling over his belt

“that guy” women ignored in a bar or club

“that guy” embarrassed to take his shirt off on the beach

“that guy” who looked way older than he was.

…the “fat guy”.

I’m not sure where you find yourself body wise. You may not even be as overweight as Peter.

But when you look in the mirror, do you like the body that you see looking back at you?

If you’re midsection is not where you want it to be, why not do something about it?

This is the program that helped Peter get from 276 pounds, with more than 30% body fat, down to 176 pounds of lean, taut muscle with only 6% body fat.

Will you be next?


When you get to the page scroll, down a little to see the actual before and after pictures of Peter (very inspiring).

LOVE what you see in the mirror!


P.S. You could probably spend a few weeks researching the best ways to lose belly fat and get the abs of your dreams…

but, before you do go to this page, scroll down and find out the six dirty little lies that will keep you from quickly getting, tight lean abs…


Are you faced with a fate similar as Peter’s? Let me know how I can help by adding your story below.

he’s too sekxy for his fat

Just finished watching one of my favorite episodes of “Family Guy”…

It’s the “He’s Too Sekxy for His Fat” episode (rerun).

The one where Peter (the fat and jolly main character) gets liposuction.

He even gets a new butt because he said “the old one had a crack in it”. haha

He becomes so beautiful that he joins the “Beautiful People’s Club” (this actually exist, BTW).He soon discovers an entirely new

…where everything and everyone caters to him simply because he’s beautiful.

Soon, he becomes obnoxious to his family and a total jerk to his friends.

And in typical “Family Guy” LOL irony, Peter finds himself falling into a big vat of lard.

His “eat everything in sight” instincts take over and he eats through the lard and winds up in a hospital- fat as ever!

This got me thinking about all the tricks and shortcuts many of us try to get lean abs (and believe me I’ve tried many of them; nothing medical).


The truth is, there are no long-term shortcuts to getting lean abs.

In fact, short-cuts are at best minimally effective (in the short-term) and at worst, downright DANGEROUS!

Why not get results using real science and methods that have been proven by hundreds of thousands of folks around the world?

The benefits?

– Long-term success

– Healthy body

– FAR less cost

– Great sense of accomplishment and fulfillment

Bring out your beautiful person by having a healthy, LEAN body.

Why not start today?

All the best,

P.S. This lean abs program contains most of the secrets that by fitness competitor friends share with me about getting “show ready”
abs fast!

Why not learn the burn-fat secrets that only the pros know?

What other reasons have you realized to avoid taking short cuts? Let us know by adding your thoughts below.