X Crunch

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  1. Lie on your back with no tension in your neck
  2. Extend you arms and legs out at an angle so that your body forms an “X”


Using mostly your abs, lift your extended legs and arm off the floor. Hold for one second.


With control, slowly lower your arms and legs back to the starting position.


4 Tips to AWESOME Abs at ANY Age!

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’415′ type=’video’ image=’https://www.sixpackabsguide.com/images/ageless-abs-Optimized.png’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziLcrY9heZ8[/youtube]

Things to remember:

  1. Take It Slow to Avoid Injury
  2. Take Care of Your Joints
  3. Do Weight Training
  4. Do Interval Training

Following these tips will ensure that you’re meeting your lean abs goals as fast and as safely as possible…

All the Best!


How to Get Female Abs – PLUS Free Bonus Report!

NOTE: Your FREE Bonus report is below…

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’349′ type=’video’ image=’https://www.sixpackabsguide.com/images/get-female-abs2-Optimized.png’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-koinyvDq1g[/youtube]

The Trend Of Getting Six-Pack Abs Among Women

Getting six-pack abs has become one of the popular choices to keep the body fit and healthy among women. This is because it does not only guarantee a fast way of improving muscle but also the body’s endurance and strength as well.

Experts say that for a woman to develop six-pack abs, she must undergo workout training where the exercises are designed to develop the muscles in the torso area. Here, the woman’s muscles exert force against different forms of resistance like free weights, which greatly aids to the development of wonderful six-pack abs.

Strength training as the key to six-pack abs

Women who are looking forward to having six-pack abs must undergo strength training so she can endure all the physical requirements of her goal. To start with, it is ideal to do strength training exercises at least 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes or so to prepare the muscles for more rigorous physical movements.

Aside from preparing your body’s muscle for more extreme physical exercises, strength training can also give a woman firm muscles for a great looking physique in the future. Studies show that strength training is very important for women who are gearing towards having six-pack abs because it can increase the endurance and strength of the developed muscles that can allow women perform tasks daily with lesser exertion and effort. This can also improve the working capacity of the muscles buts also aid the body’s coordination, balance, and blood circulation as well as the strength of the joint, ligaments, and bones.

Experts say that to be able to develop muscle and achieve six-pack abs through strength training, women should always make it a practice to stretch before she starts and after she has performed some weight exercises to prepare the joints for the pending motion during the weight lifting. Stretching is very important for beginners because it can reduce soreness after the exercises and can help prevent cramped muscles while increasing the range of your motion.

Women who are doing workouts to get six-pack abs can do common stretching exercises such as warm-ups that include flexibility and stretching exercises to keep the muscles supple, increase the joints’ range of motion, heart rate and body temperature, and blood flow to muscles, enhance flexibility, and improve coordination. Cool-downs are also important to return the heart rate as well as the blood pressure to resting mode gradually. Since they are composed of slow walking and stretching, it can relax the sore muscles during and after the exercise.

After stretching, the strength-training exercises can help women who are into the trend of getting six-pack abs:

  • side shoulder raise which focuses more on arms, thighs, elbows, and palms to give more strength to the shoulder;
  • front shoulder raise which highlights the arms using thighs and palms during weight lifting repetitions;
  • upright row which is good for the shoulders, neck, and upper back because it strengthens a woman’s upper back to endure more activities;
  • biceps curl which is good for strengthening the biceps or the front arm by curling it upward using repetitive motions up to the shoulders; and the
  • one-arm dumbbell triceps curl which is the most ideal strength training for women who are looking forward to perfect six-pack abs because the effort exerted here benefits almost all parts of the body.

Here’s your Surprise Bonus Report…Enjoy :)!

Right-Click and Save As…to DOWNLOAD “Top 5 Diet Disaster!”

How to Get Six Pack Abs When You Have a Sweet Tooth!

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’349′ type=’video’ image=’https://www.sixpackabsguide.com/images/sweet-tooth-Optimized.png’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eo6id4SnFw[/youtube]

Things to Remember from the “Abs with a Sweet Tooth” video…

  1. Eating dark chocolate made from 70, 80, 90% cacao can help with belly fat
  2. Eat whole fruits and berries (with no added sugar)
  3. Try natural low-glycemic, sugar alternative like Agave or Stevia
  4. Cheat 1 or 2 times a week to reduce the possibility of binging.
  5. Watch your portions. Just cheat a little every now and then.
  6. Eating badly and then exercising does NOT cancel out the bad effects.

More Tips For Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body in great health.  With healthy eating, you’ll have energy all day, get the vitamins and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight.

Below, you’ll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating.

1.  Don’t skip any meals

Eating 3 meals with snacks in between is the ideal way to maintain both energy and a healthy weight. When you skip meals and get hungry, you’re more than likely to choose foods that aren’t very good for you.

If you are eating away from home, take food with you or know where you can buy healthy food from.

2.  Learn about how to prepare foods

Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling.  You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to add flavor to your food.  Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of

3.  Avoid a lot of sugar

Drinks that contain sugar are a major source of empty energy.  What this means, is that the drinks contain a lot of energy that your body may not need, and it doesn’t contain any vitamins or minerals.  If you plan to drink sugary drinks, don’t go overboard – limit to right after a high-intensity, muscle building workout.

4.  Avoid thinking about diets

There are no good food nor any bad foods.  All food can be a part of a healthy diet, when eaten in moderation.  You don’t need to buy any low carb, fat free, or even diet foods, as these foods normally have lots of other added ingredients to replaces the carbohydrates or fat.

dark chocolate made from 70, 80 or even 90% cacao

Best Exercises for Six Pack Abs!

NOTE: After you watch this short video, scroll down for some workouts…

Please give the Videos a moment to load ;-)

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’349′ type=’video’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pjo2JFzIh8[/youtube]

It’s a common belief that if you want to get a flat stomach you have to do hundreds of crunches every day. This is just not the truth.

In fact, depending on your starting point, doing these crunches can actually make your stomach look bigger. That’s because you’re building your abdominal muscles but not really eliminating or reducing the surrounding fat.

If you want to get a flat stomach, your six pack abs are already present, what you want to do is reduce the belly fat on top and the best way to do that, the best way to get a flat stomach is High-Intensity Muscle Building by doing…

Whole body workouts. The truth of the matter is that the best way to burn fat and to treat your body well is to perform exercises that don’t isolate one muscle but rather larger muscle and joint groups. Things like:

  • Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Push-ups
  • etc..

The Reason:  it burns fat faster!

If you want to see quick results, skip the crunches and attempts to spot fat reduce. They don’t work. Instead, focus on high-intensity, whole body workouts and modifying your diet to boost your metabolism.

Here are a couple possible High-Intensity, Fat-Burning, Muscle Building Workouts:


Front Squats




Decline Push-Ups


  • 12 Squats
  • 25 Jumping Jacks, medium pace
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 25 Jumping Jacks, medium pace
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 2 minute of rest

Repeat the above cycle 3 times


Mountain Jumpers


1 Arm Dumbbell Snatches


1 Arm Dumbbell Swings


Dumbbell Renegade Rows



Mountain Climbers


  • 1-arm dumbbell swings (alternate arms every 5 reps) – 3 minutes straight as many reps as possible.
  • rest 1 min
  • 1-arm dumbbell snatches (alt arms every 5 reps) – 3 minutes straight as many reps as possible.
  • rest 1 min
  • Dumbbell renegade rows (alt arms after each rep) – 10 reps each arm.
  • rest 30 seconds
  • Floor mountain climbers – 30 seconds max reps.
  • rest 30 seconds
  • Floor mountain jumpers – 30 seconds max reps.

Trust me, doing all of this in just 11 minutes will really get you pumped. That, and increase your metabolism, too!

Just by reading it, you might think it’s short and easy, but you’ll definitely feel those muscles burn by the first half of your workout. Those continuous swings and snatches will surely leave you breathless (in this case, that’s a good thing).

3 Great Abs Exercises

Remember: incorporate these AFTER you’ve started your fat-burning regime (unless you already have a very flat stomach)

Double Crunches (w/ exercise ball):


Weighted Decline Sit-ups:


Suicide Planks:


Have fun with it!

Be flexible and most of all: get started NOW!

To you and Your AWESOME Abs!
