Women With Abs in Classical Art

Beauty experts today are realizing that a well defined body can be more attractive, but, thousands of years ago, classical cultures knew women with abs were sexier.

Ever wonder why all those sculptures of Grecian Goddesses have six pack abs?

In recent history, men have been the sex with all the muscles – abs on women were rare. Activity that could result in abdominal development was strictly men’s work or play.

Employment of women was restricted by social convention and only the poorest women worked outside of the home. Still fewer worked at physical labor. The odd exceptions to the rule were acrobats and circus performers, neither of which was a socially respectable occupation.

Until the last century, most women did not participate in sports or outdoor activities that would lead to well toned abs. While housework was backbreaking at times, unless you were out back chopping wood, it did not lead to abdominal development.

If you did get muscles, you couldn’t show them off. There was no one to appreciate them.

The accepted view of attractive feminine appearance had been soft and round since the early Christian Era. Muscles and tans were out. It meant you worked, which wasn’t attractive back then.

Going back 2,000 years to the periods of Classical Greek and Aegean History, artistic depictions often showed strong musculature and women with abs would have been the rule. Young girls were expected to compete athletically against males, on equal terms, and most of that competition was done naked!

They ran, jumped, threw the javelin and discus, and even wrestled. A beautiful female body was well developed and it would have been natural to see women with abs competing in the nude, or semi-nude, with men in their own age group.

Like athletics, labor was more physically demanding, and the kinds of exercise women did resulted in more developed physiques, as well. In general, average people were healthier, and their view of beauty reflected that.

During the Renaissance, many classical themes were revived, but the view of feminine beauty was still drawn from Church convention. Most women were depicted as images of saintliness. Icons that were delicate and divine had flourished for centuries, and all artists found it hard to break with the formula.

Going forward again, 2,000 years to Victorian times, bare skin was not only immodest, it was illegal. Only women of the lowest moral character exposed any part of the body below the neck.

With the invention of the modern bathing suit, women had the first real chance in centuries to participate in athletics that were demanding enough to improve the way they looked. Waists got slimmer, corsets came off, and fashion began to emphasize other areas of the body besides cleavage.

Feminine beauty has had many guises, and after centuries of social manipulation, the ideal feminine form has finally returned to the classical. Women with fit abs and cut muscles are the ideal of what is attractive, again.

For the sake of health and appearance, maybe the current trend can stay around for a while.

The Best Way to Work Abs

Focusing on just doing targeted abdominal exercises isn’t the best way to work abs. I’ll tell you why…

Back in the day, modern conveniences did not exist. There were no computers, no heavy-duty equipment, and hardly any desk jobs. “Hard labor” was just what the phrase implied – HARD LABOR.

As the early inhabitants of this world went through their day, they would do heavy lifting, travel great distances on foot, harvest the fields of their crops with their very hands, and rely on nothing but their own physical strength to get things done. They weren’t aware of abdominal exercises back then, were they? And yet, many of them had such toned bodies and ripped abs.

Have you ever asked yourself what their secret was?

The best way to work abs back then was to get full body workouts while doing their everyday tasks. They might have broken their backs from all that hard work, but, clearly, it gave them such well-formed physiques.

I’m not suggesting you go back to primitive ways for you to get fit. However, the idea of performing a more holistic workout routine can actually push you toward the right direction.

A complete abs workout is made up of two very important elements:

1. Full Body Fitness. Core-specific exercises are quite beneficial, especially if you want to get ripped abs. But doing exercises that target other parts of your body is also essential. Your abs make up just one part of a whole, and the best way to work abs is by involving the rest of your body.

Athletes need to build muscle and train hard for their particular sport, but you don’t see them performing only one specific exercise. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine will get you a complete workout. Only then can you start to get a body as fit and as toned as your favorite athletes.

2. Fast Motion. Keeping a fast pace during your workout will get you to your goal quicker. Therefore, it is the best way to work abs.

You work your muscles and you keep going for as long as you can. Doing your exercises in a continuous, flowing manner will maintain your momentum and push you to greater heights.

Keep in mind, however, that you can’t just throw caution to the wind. You need to be consistent with your workout routine, but not careless. This way, you get the most out of your training without incurring any injuries.

Indeed, the best way to work abs is to constantly work the whole body. Always incorporate these two important elements in your fitness plan and you’ll do just fine.

What other methods do you have to work your abs? Share your secrets below.

Top 3 Male Yoga Exercises for Abs

You think male yoga exercises for abs are too…ho-hum and mild for your taste?

Most men have this notion that fast-paced, highly-intense full body workouts and backbreaking targeted abs exercises are the only forms of physical activity that can be done to result in six pack abs. Although there is some truth to that, it’s not necessarily a hard, fast rule. Laid-back fitness routines such as stretching and yoga can also get you great abs without having to constantly gasp for air.

There’s a good reason why yoga has been around for centuries. It promotes good posture, flexibility, builds strength, and conditions your whole body for maximum performance. Similarly, male yoga exercises for abs can target your core muscles, rendering them lean and tough

During yoga, your abdominal muscles, along with other hard-to-define muscle groups, are stretched, elongated, and conditioned. Performing yoga regularly will help sculpt your midsection and tone the rest of your body. It truly is a complete body routine.

There are many yoga positions you can incorporate into your fitness program, but the following are proven to be the most effective in developing abs and other muscle groups as well.

1. Yoga Crunches. Regular crunches have been a popular choice among ab builders and enthusiasts. They can also be adapted as male yoga exercises for abs.

To perform these, simply lie on the floor as you would with conventional crunches. Slowly pull in both knees toward your chest. Straighten your legs until they’re completely flexed and perpendicular to the floor.

Carefully bend your knees close to your chest again while keeping your abs taut. Be very aware of your abdominal muscles because even as you use your leg muscles for this exercise, your abs should also be working hard. Also, avoid arching your back at any time; this would isolate your midsection better. Do at least 10 reps of this exercise in a row to really work your abs.

2. Mountain Tilts. These standing male yoga exercises for abs will greatly define your abdominals, improve your posture, and lengthen your physique.

You must stand up, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and relax your arms on each side. Lift your right arm above your head and bend to the left. Reach our as far as your fingers will go and hold it there for about 5 seconds. Go back to your starting position and do the same on the other side. Do at least 5 reps of this exercise.

3. Triangle Pose. Like the previous male yoga exercises for abs, the triangle pose requires you to stand on your feet. With your feet further apart than in mountain tilts and planted securely on the ground, point your left foot forward and turn your right foot out 90 degrees. Extend both arms on your sides and slowly bend to your left at the waist. Remember not to pivot so that your torso and head are still facing the same direction as your left foot. Rest your left hand on your leg and stretch your right as high up as you can. Hold it there for around 10-15 seconds then come back up. Switch sides and feet and do the same on the other side. Doing 3 poses on each side should be more than enough.

Male yoga exercises for abs are definitely far from drab. Give them a try today!

Have you tried any of these? Share your experience by posting your comments below.

3 Steps to Getting Six Pack Abs for Women

Women from all walks of life are reminded every single day about their physical imperfections. It does seem like six pack abs for womenare unattainable unless you’re a supermodel or hot Hollywood actress. But the truth is, even the most average Jane can get sexy abs.

Just like men, women have struggled for years to lose weight and define their midsection. Unlike men, however, women are required to exert a little more effort to build muscle. Even though women need to push a little further than their male counterparts, it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Don’t be discouraged by all the pessimism going around. You may not be a hot rising star or the new cover girl for a magazine, but six pack abs for women ARE attainable — that’s the most important thing you need to know.

You also need to know HOW you can achieve a great body. Setting these three central and realistic goals will help you get your fitness program in gear:

  1. Get rid of belly fat;
  2. Build a cardiovascular workout routine; and
  3. Zero-in on those abs!

Dieting has had a perceived negative connotation, especially for women. When in fact, all it requires is regularly eating (take note: not STARVING) the right kinds of food. Forget about fad diets, artificial food supplements, and extreme “zone” regimens for a second, and concentrate on getting the essential macronutrients by eating well-balanced meals.

This is the first step to getting six pack abs for women.

The female anatomy is designed to store more fat in preparation for childbirth and rearing, but don’t let that get in the way of your goal. If you’ve been used to eating on the go (e.g. fast food and take-out), it is high time you re-evaluate your eating habits. Changing the way you eat and what you eat can improve your metabolism considerably.

A little planning and a whole lot of determination can go a long way when it comes to your diet. By eating small, balanced meals frequently, you allow your body to stay nourished and “full” so you don’t over-eat at any given time. Sticking to lean proteins, a small amount of healthy fats, and whole grains is ideal.

The next step to getting six pack abs for women is a well-rounded cardiovascular routine. Regularly performing a variety of fun, blood-pumping exercises, such as aerobics classes, jogging, and swimming will help condition your WHOLE body.

These holistic exercises will also prepare your abdominal muscles for your next and final goal – abs training and sculpting.

Really getting in there with regular crunches, sit ups, or other ab-specific exercises will help define and sculpt your obliques, and lower and upper abdominals. Increasing your reps and frequency is crucial in developing six pack abs fast.

If you really think about, getting six pack abs for women isn’t complicated at all. Six pack abs don’t discriminate, and so shouldn’t you. Get right on your fitness program and start working on those abs today!

Toning Stomach Muscles

If you are working on toning stomach muscles, here are a few things to think about.

  1. Not everyone is born with the same set of abdominal muscles.
  2. Toning muscles involves stretching as well as exercising.
  3. Swimming is the best single exercise for toning stomach muscles.
  4. It is easy to strain your back doing abdominal exercises

Abdominal Muscles:

That’s right. Some of us simply don’t have a pyramidalis muscle. This means that no matter how hard you go for the washboard effect, you will not have the same number of bulges. You’ll get the six pack, but not the 8 pack.

Why are abdominal muscles different in some people? Doctors simply do not know. Consider that this will not just influence the all over number of toned muscles, but the lack of a pyramidalis will influence your ability to strengthen lower abdominals, as well.


Building exercises and toning exercises are not exactly the same thing. While you won’t get toned stomach muscles without a workout that isolates this muscle group, you won’t get the tone without doing a lot of stretching, as well.

People often neglect this as part of a routine. These are some of the easiest and most rewarding exercises to do. They are great for warm ups. As any athlete or aerobics instructor will tell you, they keep you from straining. Arm stretches, leg stretches, bending and twisting are all good ways to limber up before you hit the weights or machines.

A little Yoga added to your routine, with its exaggerated movements, can save hours of discomfort with torn or strained muscles, later.


The best addition to any routine that has focus on toning muscles is swimming. It is not only an all over good workout, with fantastic cardiovascular benefits, but it stretches and works those stomach muscles like no stationary exercise can. Almost every muscle in the body is used in swimming.

If you think it isn’t what you want or you don’t have time to add it to your routine, just look at those professional swimmers’ bodies. They all have long, lean torsos, with well defined abdominals and v shaped bodies. They got those bodies by swimming!

Not only is swimming really good for you, it won’t hurt you. Swimming is considered passive exercise. That means less strain on muscles and organs.

Risk of Injury:

Most crunches can be brutal on your back muscles, so don’t add more than 2 additional repetitions to your current routine at one time. That is repetitions and not sets. When you add a new set to your abs routine, do it by adding 2 reps until you fill it out.

If your back hurts, use a brace, or switch to just ball exercises. You don’t have to stop completely, just modify. Check to see that you are doing your exercises correctly, as this can lead to strain faster than anything.

A little common sense and effort will keep you toning stomach muscles till they look great. Just keep these 4 important things in mind.