Are 8 Pack Abs Possible?

Click here only if you’re serious about getting the best possible abs…

Do you remember the first time you heard about the possibility of getting EIGHT pack abs?

The first time I heard about “8 pack abs” I instantly thought it was just a myth. I mean, a six pack is already quite a challenge to get AND maintain.

I thought 8 pack abs were simply IMPOSSIBLE.

What do you think?

The Genetic Factor

Okay, you’re probably wondering, can you get 8 pack abs?

The answer: maybe!

With determination, the right diet, the right exercise and yes…the right GENETICS!

The truth is that this is one of those cases where your genetics can make it easier or near impossible.

It has to do with the structure of your abdominal muscles- specifically the part that “creates” the 8-pack. You see, the extra two-pack that sets and 8-pack apart from a 6-pack is at the bottom of the abs. And this is generally the hardest area to lose belly fat.

But also, for most of us, this part of the abs just does not have the deep “line” in between the abs muscle that you see from the 6 packs above. This is the “line” that creates the separation between “packs”. If it’s not deep enough, if might be near impossible to get 8 pack abs.

So, what does this all mean to you? Your genetics can be a major factor in how easy it is for you to get an 8-pack.

If you’re one of the lucky people and have the right genetics, the next step is a serious fat-burning, muscle-building program.

Here are 5 powerful, belly fat-stripping exercises that can give you every chance to getting 8-pack abs:

  • Squats
  • Pull-Ups
  • Interval Training Cardio
  • Push-ups
  • Deadlifts


Abs Exercise

In addition to burning of your excess body fat, in a moment, you’ll find out the top abs exercises for building an awesome 8-pack.

Let’s focus on that last bit: Ab Exercise.

It’s something a lot of people dread because they consider it as work. If you think about it, it does require a lot of work. But keeping your eye on the prize only makes the journey worthwhile.

You have to start somewhere, right?

These 4 ab exercises are the most basic drills you can do to get 8 pack abs:

  1. Weighted Sit Ups
  2. Bicycles
  3. Full Body Crunches
  4. Reverse crunches

Weighted Sit Ups

Lay down on the floor, bend your knees slightly, and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Place the weight over your chest and secure it with both hands. Lift your shoulders off the floor slowly without moving the lower half of your body. Remember to keep those abdominal muscles tight. Once you’re at an angle, hold that position for as long as you can, then lower your shoulders back to the floor slowly.


This one’s my favorite out of the bunch. Simply lie down on the floor, bring your knees up alternately, as if you were biking in the air. Meanwhile, with your hands behind your ears, touch your right elbow to your left knee as it goes up, and then do the same with the other side.

woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-1 woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-2

Full Body Crunches

This one’s a real challenge, but I feel that it’s doing a lot for my abs. I suggest you start doing it, too!

While still lying on the floor, rest your hands over your chest, and bend your knees once again. Raise your shoulders up as you would in a regular crunch.

Here comes the tricky part: while doing the crunches, try lifting your legs at the same time. Your target is to form a sort of horse shoe shape with your body every time you go in for that crunch. Hold that position while keeping your abs tight, and then go back to your original position.


Reverse Crunches

This is very similar to the upper body crunch, but instead of just focusing on the number of reps you do, you will be paying more attention to contracting your lower ab muscles and maintaining your form.  Slowly raise your knees upward toward you head then resume your original position.

That’s it! Wouldn’t it be amazing if you applied this exercise and fat-burning strategy (along with a solid eating strategy) today! This along with persistence will go a long way towards helping you achieve the “legendary” 8-pack abs!

You’ve made it this far…So now you have to choose between just reading this article and doing nothing or taking action on the body you want…Take action now :)

Do you know anyone with 8 pack abs? How did they do it? Let us know by sending your stories below.