Eat More to Lose Weight: 5 Truths Exposed!

You probably know that you must live healthy now that you’re getting older. I know it’s hard because you have no time to exercise, dieting is cumbersome and your eating habits are awful. But come on. Let’s face it! Metabolism slows down as people age. And if you are dying to get your body back in shape, change your lifestyle and bring back your youthful glow, it is time to take action! Besides, the fact that you decided to read this article implies that you want this change, don’t you?

Eat More to Lose Weight? Is it A Myth?

Okay, so does slower metabolism mean that you should eat less as you get older? The answer is no. In fact, recent weight loss experts recommend eating 5 or more meals a day. This is the diet strategy of celebrities and fitness experts because of several reasons. The truth is, many studies have already proven that you can actually eat more to lose weight! Read on to learn how.

Eating Frequently Boosts Metabolism

One of the effects of eating 5 or more small meals a day is that this considerably boosts metabolism. Fitness experts use this method to take advantage of the thermic effect of food. In fact, a new study conducted by the American Dietetic Association proved that eating 4-5 small meals a day is associated with no or reduced obesity risk.

What does this all mean? Simple. Eating more to lose weight is effective because eating frequently throughout the day keeps the body working through the process of digestion which burns calories. This also keeps the body’s blood sugar level at even levels. Just remember to include a good amount of protein (at least 10 grams) in each meal because this further increases metabolism.

Eating Frequently Keeps You Satisfied

The most important effect of eating frequent meals throughout the day is that this keeps you from hunger pangs. The problem with most diets is that you may eventually become too hungry and suddenly break the diet and give up. Eating small meals every 2-3 hours prevents ravenous hunger which is one of the main problems of most restrictive diets.

Counting Calories Is Still Important

So does this mean you can eat anything you want? Sorry but the answer is no. In order to lose weight using “eat more to lose weight strategy”, you need to create a daily calorie deficit. This means that you have to consume 200-400 calories lesser than your daily caloric need or the number of calories you need to stay at the same weight. To get your daily caloric need, multiply your weight in pounds by 10. For example, assuming that your weight is 140 pounds, your daily caloric need is 1400 calories. Now as we can see, you need to consume around 1000-1200 calories depending on your physical activities in order to lose weight.

Never Starve Yourself

Sometimes, people go on excessively restrictive diet programs consuming less than 1000 calories a day. This is not a good idea since this will result to the body going into starvation mode and you do not want this to happen. Why? It’s because the normal response of the body is holding on to stored fat instead of using it for fuel. The body also breaks down muscle as a source of fuel. Metabolism also considerably slows down and the result is having the same weight or even weight gain. Can you believe it?

Eating more to lose weight sounds like one effortless step to weight reduction, but it’s not. Let’s face another harsh reality that there is no short cut to a healthy weight loss. Effort, time, self-control and determination are all part of the package. After all, there is no sweet victory without conquering challenges along the way, right?

Know of eating myths one should be wary of when losing weight? Tell us by adding your insights below.

GOOD news about saturated fats

Every few years the Food Industry overlords get a HUGE bee in their bonnet and pick something that they find as the world’s “worst” thing to eat.

We’ve gone from: don’t eat fat to…avoid carbs to…never eat saturated fats…

But a few years later, “new” studies find that something else is the worst thing and the “old” worst thing was in fact not the worst thing but a good thing.

HUH? Confusing!

Being that I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorists, I don’t think this is by accident.

IMH(and a bit paranoid)O, it’s purpose is to create so much confusion the truth remains hidden in a thick, hazy smokescreen.

While the REAL problem remains…

For example, saturated fats have been touted as the worst thing you can put in your body…causing all kinds of heart attacks and strokes or worse.

But are saturated fats really that bad for you?

Well the answer is actually: not totally. In fact some saturated fats are beneficial.

I know. I know…

Everyone is saying how bad they are. But here are some of the benefits of eating the right saturated fats:

* Stroke & Heart Attack prevention

* Bone strength

* Liver protection

* Asthma prevention

* Infectious disease prevention

* Anti-allergy

Now, before you start loading your plate up with mounds of butter-cream sauce, the trick is eating the RIGHT saturated fats and in the right amounts.

When you order the diet solution program, Isabel not only tells you how to take advantage of the benefits of saturated fat but also how to avoid the specific foods that have always been (and continues) to be the REAL problem.

Just understanding this one point, will drastically increase your body’s ability to melt off your belly fat like snow in a desert…

To your success,

P.S. Stop allowing yourself to be pushed around by the Food Industry (design mostly for profit) and start learning for yourself which foods keep you the healthiest and leanest.

P.P.S. Because it’s a balanced approach, you can be sure that the information that you learn and apply here will remain consistent throughout all the ever-changing food fads of the day.

Have saturated fats also made you healthier? Share us in what way by dropping your comments below.

Top 10 guidelines to Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is not about staying idealistically thin, or staying away from the foods you love. It should start with how to “eat smart,” which is not just what you eat, but howyou eat. It is important that you learn healthy habits of eating so you can reduce your risk of illnesses, protect against depression, boost your energy, sharpen your memory, and stabilize your mood.

Experts agree that the solution to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety, and self-control. That means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories. These 10 guidelines can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you like to eat.

1. Eat foods with high nutritional value. It takes a variety of food to acquire most of the nutrients needed in your body. Your daily food intake should include a mixture of whole-grain, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish.

2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. It can easily burn up when you exercise.

3. Eat more healthy carbohydrates and whole grains. Choose healthy carbohydrates and fiber sources, especially whole grains, for long lasting energy. It has also photochemicals and antioxidants, which help prevent coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and diabetes.

4. Maintain a normal weight. Your weight is the basis of many factors – sex, height, and age. A professional dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management.

5. Eat regularly. Do not skip meals. It can lead you to starve, resulting to overeating. When you’re hungry, eat a small meal.

6. Lessen your calories; do not get rid of it. The more you neglect your favorite food, the more susceptible you become to overindulging in the future.

7. Slowly make a difference. Healthy eating would require some sacrifice. Change your eating habits gradually so you don’t end up sliding back to unhealthy practices.

8. It’s not just what’s on your plate; it’s how you eat it. Chew your food slowly. The more you chew your food the faster it will be digested. You’ll also end up feeling fuller.

9. Food shouldn’t rule you. Always bear in mind that food is just food. Don’t let it you’re your life. Eat your favorite foods in moderation and just remember to keep a generally healthy diet.









10. Stock the kitchen with healthier options. Healthy eating starts in your kitchen. So, stock up on healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats and poultry, whole grain bread, and low fat dairy products. Find creative ways to incorporate these in your cooking to come up with nutritious and delicious meals that you and your family can enjoy.


Always remember that too much of anything is bad, so enjoy treats moderately and maintain a healthy diet. Happy healthy eating!

What’s an 11th guideline that I have missed? Let me know by adding your tips below.

5 Flat Stomach Foods – Just Plain Awesome!

Are you serious about stripping away your excess belly fat? A lot of people feel that they can flatten their stomach faster by watching what they eat. Well, they’re right, but the question is HOW? Here is how you can flatten your belly quickly—do proper work-out and eat the right food!

Did you know that there are flat stomach foods that can significantly flatten your belly? Okay, Admit it! Let’s face another harsh reality that you’re too busy with work or doing household chores that you can’t even lift your legs to climb the stairs instead of pressing the elevator button.

Here’s one fascinating fact for you:  Around 10-30% of the calories that you consume are burned just by the digestion process. Good news, right? But keep in mind that you cannot remove the proper exercise routine from the equation.

Additionally, not all foods are the same so it is important to take note of the flat stomach foods that increase metabolism and help in losing weight. The further on you read, you’ll begin to understand what belly fat busting foods really work!

1. High Protein Foods

Now listen closely, about 25% of the calories of protein is burned during the process of digestion. This is why high-protein diets became very popular in the last decade and it is one of the best flat stomach foods. But did you know protein also has other benefits? It is difficult to digest and makes you feel full sooner. Additionally, it gives the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time so less food is consumed. Needless to say, protein is very important so lean or healthy sources should be included in each meal or snack.

2. Almonds and Other Nuts

Here’s a fact for you: Almonds and other nuts are high in fat content but these ideal snacks are also helpful in losing weight. Many studies have already proven that, nuts also help decrease triglyceride levels which result to the incidence of heart disease. Also, nuts like almonds help curb hunger and lower the food intake of people. Interestingly, it appears nuts help people stick to their diets. Indeed, with this in mind, a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit is already an ideal snack!

3. High Fiber Foods

This tip is amazing! Did you know that high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables are among the best flat stomach foods? Fiber is difficult to digest so the body works harder. Focus here! High fiber foods are also known as metabolism boosting food that considerably aid in weight loss. The truth is, fiber makes you feel full faster and helps control food cravings thus helping you stick to your diet.

4. Dairy products

This one’s really cool! Dairy products are calcium-rich sources and according to studies, calcium helps fight fat by preventing the release of the hormone calcitriol which causes fat storage. An expert will agree that plain, low-fat yogurt and skim milk are ideal snacks that that are both rich in protein and calcium.

5. Berries

Read these facts carefully! Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are not just full of antioxidants but these delicious fruits are also helpful in weight loss. These delectable snacks are high in fiber which keeps you satisfied for a long period keeping food cravings at bay. These are definitely one of the best belly-busing foods that are ideal snacks.

Undeniably, these 5 flat stomach foods are just plain awesome! I know that seeing is believing so why not check it out yourself? These glowing words are not fitness myths but based on facts! You be the judge of this benefit!

What can you include as a 6th flat stomach food? If you have additional foods in mind, send them by leaving your comments below.

Reduce Fat Belly – 7 Sure-Fire Tips

To reduce fat belly is no walk in the park. The secrets to get six pack abs are: hard work, proper implementation and maintenance.

Many would assume there’s no way to reduce fat belly instantly and reveal the strong muscles. However, if you have the correct mindset and have the right tools, you can do it easily. Read on the following 7 sure-fire tips that will help you get your abs dream.

1. Set your Goal.

Determine your goals and make your guideline. Ask yourself why you want to reduce fat belly.  By doing this, you’ll have the right motivation to get you started.

2. Set a deadline.

It is not smart if you always plan but can’t find a way to follow it.  Re-scheduling your workouts again and again won’t reduce fat belly. You might chase after your six pack abs goal your whole life.

Tell yourself when you should get your goals done. Then you’ll have an idea how much effort you’re going to put on your goal.  This is also a good way to develop time management and determine your priorities.

3. Know the Right Exercise Routines.

Doing the right exercise is a sure-fire way to lose weight easily. Muscles appear and expand when they’re constantly moved or flexed. By exercising you not only burn away your fats, you’re also making your muscles more prominent.

Another important point, you must know which exercises would be best for your program. Most people believe that doing cardio alone will get you six pack abs. Well, to be honest, that’s not how it works.  Cardiovascular workout can burn fat but not as effective as full body workouts.  So might as well combine your abs-targeting exercises with complete body workouts like boxing, swimming, yoga and weight lifting.

4. Set up a healthy and well-balanced diet.

Eating right is as equally important as exercising. If you’re not eating right, all your efforts will go to waste. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is most ideal to lose weight easily.

Including protein-rich food and good fats in your meals is the effective approach for an abs diet. This helps you build lean muscles, boost metabolism and replenish your energy.

5. Self discipline.

Keeping up with your plans requires a lot of discipline on your part. Sometimes you get tempted to buy that morning coffee and doughnut. Restrain yourself. Think of your six pack abs goal.

To reduce fat belly, avoid falling into temptations. Be on the guard when you feel like weakening. Keep away from deep fried foods and junk foods.  These mouth-watering foods can ruin your program and affect your health.

6. Maintenance.

When you finally turn your fat to six pack abs, don’t forget to maintain it. Exercise, eat right, form new goals, and monitor your progress. Stopping your newly-established lifestyle will only get you back to where you started.  Besides, you wouldn’t want to look fabulous today, and look saggy again next month, would you?

7. Keep Track of your Progress.

Monitor your progress and keep your goals in check. You must always remember to take note of your achievements. Whether it’s an inch off your waist or a firmer abs, write it down. This way you’ll know how you lose weight easily.

Achieving that beautiful six pack abs is possible. You are highly capable. And when you follow these 7 tips, you’ll surely reduce fat belly and get a lean, sexier body!

Anything I missed? Add your own tip by sharing your insights below.