Get a Six Pack – 3 Tips For A Flat Stomach

We have collected and summarized three essential tips for a flat stomach, which we believe are the key factors in achieving those six packs you’re dreaming of. By strictly following these guidelines, you will be able to get the results faster than you think.

The first thing you have to watch out for in flattening your stomach is your daily diet, this is, after all, the main cause of fat build up in our bodies. If you are used to eating junk foods, it’s time for you to change all that. By eating five to six smaller proportioned healthy meals each day, you are encouraging an increase in your metabolism. When your metabolism is increased, your body is automatically programmed to burn more calories, even the stubborn fat deposits from your belly. Heed these tips for a flat stomach and you’ll get a six pack in no time.

The tips for a flat stomach also include undergoing daily cardio exercises as your fat burning workout routine. Let me tell you this, we all have six packs. The only reason why we can’t see them is because they are covered with thick layers of fat. When we eliminate the fat, we will eventually see our six packs emerging. Cardio exercises don’t always have to be jogging, sprinting, cycling, or any other common notion about cardio exercises. You can choose from various sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and a whole lot more. As long as they get your heart rate up, then you’re clearly burning off those calories from your body, especially on your mid-section.

For a leaner, more toned, and sexier flat stomach, you will need to do abdominal exercises. This is one of the best tips for a flat stomach. However, you won’t be able to achieve a flat stomach by doing this tip alone. You should incorporate the previously mentioned tips as well. Once you have eliminated the fat covering your six packs, toning and building your six packs will be much easier.

What’s your best flat stomach tip? Let other users know by sharing your comments below.

Shocking Truths about Foods with Hidden Sugar Disguised as “Healthy”

You are probably aware of the negative effects of consuming too much sugar. Obesity, fatigue and type-2 diabetes? Yes, these are the major and scary snags. However, the problem is you might be unaware that you are consuming high amounts of sugar. This is because there are many so-called healthy foods that actually contain a high amount of sugar. Sugary foods disguised as “healthy” are deceiving and unfair, I know!  So if you’re serious about evading sugar intake, you do not want to miss these shocking facts. Here are some of the most common healthy foods with hidden high amount of sugar that could trick you.

 1. Juice

Juice or Soda? Which one is better? Grabbing a can of juice instead of soda thinking this is a healthier option can actually play havoc to your weight and might even lead you to hefty hospital bills in the future just the same. Listen to this, most canned or bottled juice contain almost the same amount of sugar as soda. If you want to drink juice, go with the unsweetened variety or freshly squeezed juice. Better yet, stick to water. Think about this before supping a glass of orange juice every morning.

2. Instant Oatmeal

Everyone knows oatmeal is one of the healthiest breakfast staples. However, instant flavored oatmeal is easier to prepare and tastes a lot more delicious. Do you want to know why it tastes better than regular oatmeal? The answer is sugar! Here’s a fact for you. Instant oatmeal contains about 15 grams of sugar. If you want a healthy breakfast, go with regular oatmeal and add some fresh fruit like bananas.

3. Protein Bars

High protein foods are ideal snacks because these keep you full longer compared to high carbohydrate foods. Protein also helps keep blood sugar level stable. This is why protein bars are very popular today and is known as one of the best snack items. However, read the label carefully because most protein bars have around 15 grams of sugar to make them taste good. The good news is that there are sugar-free protein bars available if you want a convenient and healthy snack.

4.Dried Fruits

Of course you’ve heard that munching a fruit rather than sweet treats like donuts or cupcakes is a step closer to weight loss and a healthy body. Obviously because fruits are rich in nutrients, low in calories and high in fiber. Without doubt, your tummy will thank you. However, it is best to stay away from dried fruits. Here’s my confession. Fruits are naturally high in sugar and dried fruit is a lot worse because these are usually sprinkled with sugar powder. ¼ cup of dried fruit contains up to 20 grams of sugar… yikes!

5. Sports Drinks

It’s pretty funny how some people spend 30 minutes to 1 hour burning calories through cardiovascular exercise in the morning then eat a big bag of chips in the evening. It’s even funnier when these people are consuming high-sugar sports drinks while doing their cardio hoping to lose weight. It’s like banging their heads against a wall! To stress again, if losing weight is your goal, then hydrate yourself with plain water instead of a sport drink. Warning: A 12 ounce sports drink contains around 42 grams of sugar.

So there you go. Given these facts, I hope the hidden sugar in so-called “healthy foods” can no longer mislead you. Eat healthy. And hey, remember to check the label.

Know of other foods that have hidden sugar content? Add to this list by entering them below.

stRanGe but common FAT habit

Shortly after I graduated from college, I worked for a big engineering company…

While there, I discovered that my boss had one of the strangest habits.

He rarely ate real food during the day…

Every now and then, I might see him eat a small salad.

But mostly he…

Drank diet Coke. All day. Every day!

Finally, I asked him…

“Do you actually EAT during the day?”

“Not really…I just drink these”, pointing to an open can of Diet Coke.

“How many of those do you drink a day?”

“About 8 to 12 cans”

“12 cans a day?!!” I was floored…

Not just at the amount of DIET Cokes he guzzled down in a day…

But here’s the funny part: my boss was STILL chubby as heck!

In fact, it seemed like he was actually GAINing weight!

I thought, “WTF!” (couldn’t say it out loud, he was my boss!)

How can you GAIN weight when you’re eating almost no calories?

It was then that…

I discovered two of the biggest myths to losing weight:

1) reducing your daily calorie count to almost nothing (starving) will  make you MORE fat!

2) drinking so-called “diet” or other artificially sweetened drinks will NOT save you from the fat-inducing effects of sugar.

In fact, many studies are finding that people consuming artificially sweetened products are actually MORE fat than people who just ate the regular sugar.

Over the years since I’ve stopped working for that company, I have discovered many, many myths about what it takes to eat for lean abs.

Way too many to list here.

But if you’re not getting the lean-body results you’re looking for or you want to accelerate your results…

Jump into the fast lane and discover the diet SOLUTION: the eating strategy that makes fat-burning automatic…even while you enjoy REAL food…not rice cakes and low-fat air crackers!

Or if you want a simple eating plan that makes it quick and easy to
melt the cheese-wiz off your belly.

All the best,

PS. Once you order the diet solution, you can download the quick start guide that helps you to immediately make lean-body food choices that melt the extra jiGGle, starting today

What fat habits have you finally gotten rid of? Share them with us by sending your comments below.

The Truth about Diet Soda Weight Gain—Diet Soda Myth Debunked

Fussing over the real deal about diet soda? Diet soda weight gain sounds absurd, doesn’t it? Everyone knows that when you are on low-calorie, fat-free diet, a regular soda just isn’t an option. But with a diet soda, this rule is bent a little bit. After all, “diet” beverages existed for a reason, right?

Indeed, with this in mind, it gives you the pleasure to eat burger and fries, instead of burger alone. Come on, low calorie soda means additional food is okay to offset the calorie intake! Drinking a diet soda lets you do a fantastic job while you are on weight reduction mission. Ah, life is good because you still get to enjoy this cold and bubbly drink even on a diet! Well, you better think twice because is exactly why diet soda weight gain occurs.

Diet Soda’s Dirty Little Secret

A diet soda is not the “weight-busting soda” you think it is. Let’s face it. It is an unnatural beverage packed with even more artificial ingredients! Here’s a fact for you. Previous research suggests that our brain is wired to anticipate a large amount of calories when eating fatty or sweet foods. But because diet foods, including diet soda fail to manifest this, it lobs the brain out of whack.

It appears this disconnection between taste of artificial sweeteners and low calories results to diet soda weight gain as the body stores calories as fat. Now, how can you say this “wonder” drink gives more healthy benefits to the body than a regular soda? Love-hate relationship with diet soda begins to stir your mind again? It should.

Nothing but Pure Facts!

A diet soda associated with weight gain? Mind boggling, isn’t it? Listen to this. Epidemiological research has supported diet soda weight gain connection in 2005. Let’s face another harsh reality that people usually start drinking diet soda when they feel they are starting to gain weight. However, a research study by the University of Texas Health Science Center has shown that with every diet soda a person consumes, there is a 41% possibility of becoming obese over the next 7-8 years. Can you imagine yourself gulping 3-4 cans of diet soda a day, thinking this is harmless?

In addition to this, recent data presented at the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions also suggest that drinking diet beverages may actually lead to weight gain. Yes, it is associated with a wider waist and flabby belly! As you probably know, excess weight especially belly fat is a risk factor to variety of illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. Moreover, common calorie-free artificial sweetener, particularly aspartame, could potentially contribute to Type 2 diabetes.

Want more proof? You don’t want to miss this one!  Did you know that a new study conducted by UK researchers proved that sweet, sugary drinks can dull taste buds, causing you to crave sweet foodstuff twice as much? Diet soda weight gain phenomenon does happen. Evidently, diet soda is not a silver bullet to weight reduction, and it is definitely not a health drink. A word of caution! Turning a blind eye to this fact won’t do you any good so better feed your mind with accurate information.

Healthier Choices Abound

You know, a diet soda has zero calories but it doesn’t mean you are spared from the consequences. People overate “diet”, “fat-free” and “calorie-free” products, thinking consuming limitless quantity won’t do any damage. Listen. Any diet product won’t really help you melt away excess pounds if you’re getting too many calories from other sources.

So how about taking control of your health? Don’t you think it’s time to switch to water? To put it briefly, diet soda weight gain phenomenon can be avoided by knowing the healthier choices. Jumpstart your day with a cup of green, herbal, oolong tea with a little of the herbal sweetener stevia! Keep in mind to drink 8 glasses of water throughout day. Have you tried adding a squirt of cranberry juice or lemon to your water to enhance the taste?  For variety, sparkling water is also a good choice. If you can save diet soda as a special treat, do it!

How about you? What’s your diet soda experience? Share it with us by entering your comments below!

top 3 biZaRRe diets

Here’s something I think you will find interesting if not completely biZaRRe…

So after finally buying and reading over Isabel Del Rios’ popular eBook where she goes into great detail on how to eat real food AND still be lean…

I curiously did a couple of Google searches to see all the crazy diets that are out there.

Here is a list of the top 3 most ridiculous:

* The Air Diet (breathatarian) – this is where you literally suck air and pretend that you’re actually eating a delicious, tasty meal.


EVen if this worked, there are some parts of the country where the pollution is so bad, you’ll probably get fat from “eating” all the dirty-air calories!

* The Cotton Ball Diet – this is where you grab a handful of cotton balls and stuffed them in to your mouth until you’re full.

You may feel full and have almost no calories but wouldn’t this make you constipated?

* The Tapeworm Diet – this is where you intentionally ingest the eggs of tapeworms so that they grow and feed on the food inside your intestines.

Believe it or not, people are actually doing this and claimed to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Hello?! You just ingested a big, dangerous worm just to lose weight.


Okay, I know these were out there–even though true…

And you’re probably not doing anything like this in order to lose fat and get lean abs.

But, if you’re following the “common wisdom” on how to eat to lose weight, chances are extremely high that your eating strategy is not giving you the maximum fat burning results.

I mean, since you have to eat. Why not make eating real foods something that naturally and automatically torches your excess belly fat.

Find out which foods are extreme flat-belly foods and the 4 foods you should never eat


To your success,


PS. Here’s what Cindy Standifer said about Isabel’s program:

“I’m Not Starving and I LOVE My Life!”

“Before I found Isabel’s nutrition tips online, I ate a diet consisting of a dangerously low amount of fat each day. I thought all fat was bad. Now I know Almonds, Flax seeds & Walnuts are good for me! At first I was scared to eat HEALTHY fats but once I did the pounds started coming off to my surprise! Calories used to be the first thing I looked at on a box, not caring what the ingredients were. Now Isabel has helped me train my mind differently. THE INGREDIENTS are the FIRST place you look! Her program broke my plateau. I’ve never been overweight but I felt like the scale was STUCK at 145 pounds no matter how much I worked out. Now I’m finally at my dream weight. I’m happy, I’m not starving, all of my co-workers and ex-boyfriends are jealous and I love my life!”

Start EATING and stripping off the belly fat fast

Know of additional strange diets? Share them with us by sending your comments below.