Top 3 Ways to Get a Flat Stomach in One Month

Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a month from today and you’re looking in the mirror, amazed and excited that you got a flat stomach in one month.

Ask yourself this question: How did you get there?

Whether you need to look good for a wedding, birthday, reunion or some other event important to you, I’ve written this article for you.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will have learned the TWO most important strategies to get a flat stomach in one month.

1#: What are you putting in your mouth?

If you’re like most people, getting a flat stomach in one month will be a huge challenge but having a solid eating strategy is one of the best things you can do to keep your goal.

Did you notice that I said eating strategy not diet? You do want to keep you flat stomach after a month, don’t you? Diets are horrible as a long-term strategy.

So, here are a few eating strategies you can master that will help you get yourself a flat stomach in one month…

First, you’ll want to eat little to no “bad” fats in your diet, especially if you’re already carrying around excess body fat.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat foods with fat in them. In fact, many fat burning foods like almonds and walnuts have plenty of the fats that are good for you. You just have to be more aware of what you eat and stay clear of totally unhealthy fatty foods like fried chicken, potato chips, French fries, donut- you know the ones ;)

Second, for a flat stomach in one month, did you know that you should always make sure you eat something for breakfast- preferably something high-protein.

According to the latest science, skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism by up to 15%.

What does this mean? It makes it easier to add excess body fat…You just don’t have time for this if you seriously want a flat stomach in one month.

Eat Breakfast!

For the rest of the day, make sure you eat something when you feel hungry. Don’t starve yourself because it will only increase your cravings for later and further slow down your metabolism. Small, frequent meals should keep your body energized and ready for a flat stomach in one month.

Avoid white or refined carbs (e.g. sugar, white pasta, etc.) and stick to whole grain or whole wheat instead. Load up on proteins like beans, lean meats, and eggs right after you work out. Of course, don’t ever forget your fruits and vegetables.

What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Limit or cut out alcoholic and sugary drinks (e.g. soda, process fruit juice, etc)- this includes artificially sweetened drinks.

Instead, drink 8-10 cups of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and refreshed.

Now that you know how important a solid eating strategy is to looking and feeling great with your flat stomach in a month, it’s important that you now find a proven eating strategy.

2#: Beyond What You Eat

With your diet in order, it’s now time to look at your physical activity (or the absence of it). Maintaining an active lifestyle is key to any successful fitness plan.

FACT! Not enough dieting in the world can get you a flat midsection in just a month unless you’re already there.

Here’s what you need to know in order to exercise to get a flat stomach in one month:

Here’s the bottom line, committing to a proven “flat stomach” program is your best chance of getting a flat stomach in a month. This includes both starting a smart eating and exercise program… Get started now!