Top 10 Best Fat Burning Foods!

Food is NOT the Enemy…Make Friends with the Best Fat Burning Foods!

Who knew that some foods had the best fat burning characteristics? When I started to be more health-conscious I really didn’t know much about the fat burning properties of these foods. But all that’s changed now, thanks to published scientific studies and research.

By simply infusing these ingredients throughout your diet, you end up with highly nutritious and filling meals that keep unwanted fat at bay…and they work…to my surprise! Check out the best fat burning foods…

1. Tomatoes. We’ve all heard about cancer-fighting Lycopene in tomatoes. But did you know that they, too, help burn fat and lower cholesterol? On top of that, tomatoes also contain Vitamin A,C, potassium, fiber, folate, and beta-carotene.

2. Apples. You know what they say about having one a day. Apples are one of the best fat burning foods because they contain Pectin. It’s responsible for restricting the absorption of fat and allowing the absorption of water instead.

3. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is more than just for the immune system. It also functions as a fat-diluting agent during digestion.

4. Unsalted nuts, green beans, and other legumes. Have you ever felt “full” after snacking on nuts? According to a fairly recent study, nuts aren’t just one of the best fat burning foods out there, but they also enhance your body’s ability to burn fat while satisfying sudden pangs of hunger.

5. Cabbages, lettuce, and green leafy vegetables. Our mothers always made us eat them – and with good reason. Leafy veggies are also one of the best fat burning foods because they usually have very few calories but are packed with Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and other essential nutrients.

6. Apple cider vinegar. This is not something you’d typically find in any kitchen, but it’s good to have around. It’s loaded with beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and a host of other minerals necessary to break down fat and decrease bad cholesterol.

7. Dairy products rich in calcium. A research from a university in Tennessee showed that those who consumed high-calcium dairy products had significant reduction of fat in their midsections.

8. Carrots, beets, ginger root, and radish. These are the best fat burning foods as far as root crops are concerned because they have very low calories, aid in easy digestion, and increase your metabolism.

9. Asparagus. Not only are they easy to incorporate into your meals, but they also help decrease bad cholesterol levels in your body.

10. Chili peppers. These hot, hot, hot spices contain capsaicin, a chemical known to help boost metabolism when digested. Although they don’t have any long-term effects, including some spice into your meals once in a while can still be beneficial.

Bottomline…There are certainly more fat-fighting foods out there, but these, I have to say, are your best fat burning foods. Mix them in salads, stews, soups, and other viands, or even snack on them. Adding these to your diet will not only move you to a healthier, sexier YOU…

Have a fat burning food not part of this list? Add your own and enter them through the comment box below.

Top 10 Best Fat Burning Foods!

Food is NOT the Enemy…Make Friends with the Best Fat Burning Foods!

Who knew that some foods had the best fat burning characteristics? When I started to be more health-conscious I really didn’t know much about the fat burning properties of these foods. But all that’s changed now, thanks to published scientific studies and research.

By simply infusing these ingredients throughout your diet, you end up with highly nutritious and filling meals that keep unwanted fat at bay…and they work…to my surprise! Check out the best fat burning foods…

Click Here for Great Diet Tips on How to Burn Belly Fat Fast!

1. Tomatoes. We’ve all heard about cancer-fighting Lycopene in tomatoes. But did you know that they, too, help burn fat and lower cholesterol? On top of that, tomatoes also contain Vitamin A,C, potassium, fiber, folate, and beta-carotene.

2. Apples. You know what they say about having one a day. Apples are one of the best fat burning foods because they contain Pectin. It’s responsible for restricting the absorption of fat and allowing the absorption of water instead.

3. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C is more than just for the immune system. It also functions as a fat-diluting agent during digestion.

4. Unsalted nuts, green beans, and other legumes. Have you ever felt “full” after snacking on nuts? According to a fairly recent study, nuts aren’t just one of the best fat burning foods out there, but they also enhance your body’s ability to burn fat while satisfying sudden pangs of hunger.

5. Cabbages, lettuce, and green leafy vegetables. Our mothers always made us eat them – and with good reason. Leafy veggies are also one of the best fat burning foods because they usually have very few calories but are packed with Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and other essential nutrients.

6. Apple cider vinegar. This is not something you’d typically find in any kitchen, but it’s good to have around. It’s loaded with beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and a host of other minerals necessary to break down fat and decrease bad cholesterol.

7. Dairy products rich in calcium. A research from a university in Tennessee showed that those who consumed high-calcium dairy products had significant reduction of fat in their midsections.

8. Carrots, beets, ginger root, and radish. These are the best fat burning foods as far as root crops are concerned because they have very low calories, aid in easy digestion, and increase your metabolism.

9. Asparagus. Not only are they easy to incorporate into your meals, but they also help decrease bad cholesterol levels in your body.

10. Chili peppers. These hot, hot, hot spices contain capsaicin, a chemical known to help boost metabolism when digested. Although they don’t have any long-term effects, including some spice into your meals once in a while can still be beneficial.

Bottomline…There are certainly more fat-fighting foods out there, but these, I have to say, are your best fat burning foods. Mix them in salads, stews, soups, and other viands, or even snack on them. Adding these to your diet will not only move you to a healthier, sexier YOU…

Click Here for Great Diet Tips on How to Burn Belly Fat Fast!