4 Great Tips to Getting Ripped Abs Quick

There is no magic formula to getting ripped abs quick, but it does require commitment and some research to understand what you can do to get those abdominal muscles into shape.

The best way to get six pack abs is to utilize what you already have and not spend on things that are not even necessary. I’m talking about really expensive ab machines, electronic tummy belts, and prestigious gym memberships. Sure enough, these may contribute to your success, but without any definite guarantees.

The only “machine” you really need is your very own body. With the right information, a positive and proactive frame of mind, and the implementation of best practices, there’s really no stopping you from getting ripped abs quick.

Check out these 4 valuable tips that will help you build your abdominals and get rid of excess tummy fat:

1. Do regular crunches and reverse crunches.

Crunches have become very popular since the dawn of bodybuilding (and the birth of midriff shirts). These superior versions of the sit up target your abdominal muscles, especially the  rectus abdominis and lower abs, like no other basic ab exercise.

Unlike full sit ups, crunches zone in on your abs and work it harder, relying very minimally on other body parts or muscle groups for support. Instead of distributing the work among your back muscles, legs, and shoulders, your abs do most, if not all, of the work, and that’s what you must aim for if you want ripped abs quick.

2. Don’t work your abs too hard!

I know you want to see results fast. But working your abdominal muscles every single day can actually be more harmful than you think. You want to sculpt your abs, not work them to death!

Performing abdominal muscle training not more than 4 times a week should be plenty. This ensures that your abs are getting enough exercise without overworking them. Injuries brought about by carelessness and over-eagerness will only set you back.

3. Know That Crunches Won’t Ever Be Enough.

For you to get ripped abs quick, you must also burn excess body fat and build overall body muscle. In between the days you allotted for abs training, it would be best to concentrate on the rest of your body by doing full cardio workouts. That way, you get to work other muscle groups as well.

4. Eat right.

The food you eat says a lot about what your body is capable of losing…or gaining. If you eat junk and highly processed food a lot, then you’re bombarding your body with unnecessary fats and chemicals. That means, you will need to work extra hard to lose all that excess body fat.

Imagine if you stuck to healthier options like fresh vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, high-protein snacks, nuts, and fruits – you can only get that sexy body faster.

So you see, getting ripped abs quick can be achieved by simply following these 4 simple guidelines. Stick to them and you’ll rock a slamming body in no time.

Help build the list by adding a 5th tip you know of. Share your experience by adding a comment below.

4 Things to Remember When Eating For a Flat Stomach

Constantly exercising your abdominals will never be enough if you do not pay attention to what you eat. Yes, your diet plays an undeniably big role in building and defining muscle. When you’re eating for a flat stomach, you have to be aware of the kinds of food that will aid you in your objective.

1) Eat After You Workout

Including a highly nutritious diet in your abs training program will only reinforce the hard work you put in to burning fat and building abdominal muscles. Eat a full healthy meal when your muscles are in their best absorbing state, and that’s immediately after your workout. In doing so, your muscles will be able to absorb the nutrients you’ve just eaten while they’re still on hyper-drive.

2) Know the Importance of a Protein-rich Diet

Protein is the main macronutrient responsible for building muscle. Remember to add in an ample amount of protein in every meal, especially after your workout.

Eating for a flat stomach does involve all three important macronutrients – carbohydrates, good fats, and, more importantly, protein. Contrary to what other fad diets claim, leaving one out is not the best way to achieve a fit body.

3) Cut Out Excess Fat

Protein isn’t the only thing you need to focus on. Including good fats in your diet is just as important. Differentiating the good kind of fats from the bad ones is the key to a highly nutritious diet.

When you’re eating for a flat stomach, you clearly have to stay away from fatty foods like potato chips, fast food, and variants of deep-fried foods. Believe me when I tell you that you WILL survive without them. By eliminating bad fats in your diet, your ab workout wouldn’t have been done in vain.

Cutting out excessively fat food will need a lot of discipline, especially if you’re so used to eating them. But it is the easiest, most basic thing you can do to improve your diet. Just remember that food items high in fat and bad cholesterol are the biggest hurdles to a flat, sexy stomach.

4) Stick to a Regular Exercise Routine

It is a fact that you won’t get results fast if you do not exercise. When I say “exercise,” I mean the intense, heart-racing kind. Combining cardiovascular exercises with a healthy diet and a healthy mindset will provide a total fitness regimen that can only get you to your goal fast.

Healthy eating for a flat stomach is necessary to achieve the body of your dreams. Follow these simple tips and you can say goodbye to belly fat for GOOD.

Create your 5th tip to eat for a flat stomach. Share your personal views below.

How Do Cardio Exercises Help You Achieve A Sexy Flat Stomach

The key in getting a sexy flat stomach is through cardio exercises. All of the cardio exercises, as long as they get your heart rate up and increase your metabolism, can burn fat off your body, including the stubborn fat deposits in your belly. The last portion of your body that sheds fat is your stomach area, that’s why abdominal exercises alone won’t get you that sexy flat stomach. They are merely used for toning the stomach muscles.

If you have lots of body fats to burn, it would be best to start your cardio exercises earlier on so that you can get a flat stomach in no time. By shedding off your fat deposits first, getting a more toned and sexier six pack abs wouldn’t be that hard to achieve. Don’t you ever wonder why your gym trainer recommends undergoing cardio exercises first before doing your muscle toning routine? He simply wants you to burn those fats first for efficient muscle build-up later on.

Cardio exercises keep everyone slim and fit in Hollywood as well as in the tough world of modeling and it’s time for you to follow their example. They certainly mention doing Pilates or Yoga for their sexy flat stomachs but they simply do these because they have fully eliminated their body fat. As long as you have eliminated your body fat with regular cardio exercises, getting that sexy flat stomach will be easier to achieve.

In what way has cardio helped you? Make yourself heard by entering your comments below.

Stomach Crunches Help

Stomach crunches help tone your abs, which, in turn, support your spine. They also help you develop toned, sexy abs. If you’re doing crunches, but not getting the results that you expect, then follow this checklist to get back on track.

  • The Crunch
  • Healthy Diet
  • Cardiovascular exercises

The crunch movement can be broken down into a series of distinct phases:

1. Preparation

Warm up before you start doing crunches. A brisk walk will do the trick well. Make sure that you exercise on a comfortable surface, like an exercise mat.

Lie on the floor, with you back and feet planted firmly. Your knees should be bent. Place both of your hands behind your head.

Locate and isolate your lower abdominal muscles. Contract them – they should move up and in. This will help to stabilize your back as you lift. Don’t tense your neck, and try not to bend your lower back.

Now take a deep breath. Don’t forget to breathe using your diaphragm.

2. Lift (Stomach Crunch)

Slowly lift your upper back, shoulders and neck off of the floor. Keep your head supported with your hands, but don’t pull on it. Get to an angle of about 30 degrees off of the floor.

You need to restrict the lifting to the abdomen only. Don’t use your hands, or arms, to lift yourself up. Don’t tense your neck either – use your hands to support your head.

Make sure that you look ahead, almost at the ceiling. This will help you keep your neck and back in line. Keep your chin off of your chest, pretend there is an orange under your chin.

While lifting, keep your abdominals tensed, and breath out slowly. Exhale, until you come to the end of your breath. This will help you keep proper tension in your abdominals while you incline in a safe manner.

3. Return

Breathe in as you descend. Don’t forget to support your head just as before. Don’t use your arms, and keep your chin off of your chest. You should breathe at a rate that will finish when you reach the floor.

Additional Advice:

If you still aren’t seeing results, you may have to reexamine your diet. Crunches only tone your abs, they won’t strip the fat off of them. With a proper diet, you can melt that fat away. Avoid fatty foods, get lots of protein, and moderate carbs.

Cardiovascular workouts are an important base for any exercise program and diet. Go running, walking, or swimming. This will make your exercises more effective, and help burn off fat.

Stomach crunches help to tone abs, but only when properly performed. Now, you should know what has been holding your abs back.

Learned something that I have missed here? Feel free to add them by leaving your comments below.

How to Get Flat Stomach By Obeying These 4 Simple Rules!…

Everyone wants to look their very best in order to boost their self confidence. One of the confidence-boosting factors include having a flat stomach because you can wear anything you want, even those tight skinny jeans you recently bought. Sometimes you wonder “how to get flat stomach?” It’s really pretty simple but you will need the utmost dedication to strictly follow all the rules in order to get that sexy abs.


The first rule on how to get flat stomach is eating right. A lot of people may struggle to correct their eating habits because they have been used to eating a lot of junk food, a habit that can cause health problems in the long run. When you’re trying to lose body fat, exercising won’t be much help if you don’t change your eating habits. For this, you need to aim for well balanced and nutritional meals which should be consumed in smaller portions in your new five to six meal servings each day. This kind of eating habit increases your metabolism, which in turn will signal your body to burn more fat in the process.

If you seriously want a flat stomach, a good eating strategy will get you there fast. The problem is that  most diets are only temporary and can cause you to gain even more fat in the long-run. I recently purchased the Diet Solution program and found it to be great approach to eating for a flat stomach. The author, Isabel, take a realistic approach to eating that ultimately has your body burn fat, even when you’re not in the gym. Click here to start eating to get a flat stomach…


Another how to get flat stomach rule you should perpetually practice is having a cardio exercise at least three times a week. This is the way to burn off the calories you’re taking in as well as those stubborn fat deposits you currently have. You don’t always have to jog, run, or sprint for your cardio workout. Why not try fun activities such as dancing or perhaps playing sports? As long as the activity gets your heart rate up, you’re burning fat and calories.


For the third how to get flat stomach rule, we also recommend having an interval training at least twice a week to burn more calories and to boost your metabolism even more. Interval trainings are rigorous workouts such as intense aerobic exercises, weight training, and any other sweat-pumping activities where you workout at about 80-90% for a short time period, followed by a period of less intensity. Then repeat. Click here to learn about an insanely effective type of interval training…


If you haven’t already, you should also work your abs to tone your stomach muscles AND the rest of your body. As you lose some fat on your mid-section, you will eventually have a flatter stomach and in the long run, you will see those abdominal muscles emerging. This is the last key factor on how to get flat stomach. ;-)

What other rules do you have to get a flatter stomach? Share them by commenting below.