Diet For A Flat Stomach – Why Starving Yourself Doesn’t Work

The best diet for a flat stomach doesn’t involve starving yourself but practicing correct eating habits. Did you know that our body is designed to store fat? Yes, our bodies store fat because of our ancestral evolution. Our ancestors have experienced food scarcity unless they can hunt successfully in the wild. The human body evolved due to the constant starvation whenever food is scarce, that’s why it stores fat for future usage. This is the main reason why starving yourself doesn’t work, this is the worst and inefficient diet for a flat stomach.

The best diet for a flat stomach involves increasing your metabolism by eating five or six small proportioned meals more frequently each day. When your body is constantly nourished with healthy choices of food, without feeling starved, it will store less fat and will activate your metabolism at a faster pace.

In order to achieve a perfect diet for a flat stomach, never go for crash diets. It would be best to gradually change your bad eating habits by substituting healthier meals in the process. If you are eating too many calories than what is allowed, gradually lessen the proportion of your food but don’t go overboard by starving yourself.

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3 Steps in the Flat Stomach 2 Weeks Program

Myth: Getting a flat tummy in 2 weeks is impossible.

Fact: A flat stomach 2 weeks later is attainable if you start with a well-conditioned body. I should know, I’ve been there before.

To get a conditioned body, you’ll need to really work at it. This isn’t the time to dilly-dally because if you’re really serious about getting rid of excess belly fat or building a six pack, you’ll need more than just luck on your side.

You’ll need to get three things in order before you achieve the flat tummy of your dreams. These are: total commitment, a full-proof diet, and proper exercise.

1. Total Commitment. Even Hollywood superstars and buffed athletes have to go through this step for them to get their bodies to look that way.

First thing you need to do to get a flat stomach 2 weeks later is to start. NOW. Truly, there is no better time.

Grab a pen and mark that target date on your calendar. Commit to yourself and to the idea of your new-and-improved self. The only way you can get yourself out of your fitness rut is to make that conscious decision.

If you don’t start today, you will only delay things. You need to want it bad before you get it. Remember that.

2. Full-proof Diet. This entails more than just the latest fad diet or even total fasting – those aren’t just good for you. Period.

For a flat stomach 2 weeks later, you need to get your weight to a healthy number and rev up your metabolism at the same time.

Start by timing your meals. Eat small portions of well-balanced meals every 4 hours. That way, your body never goes totally hungry nor will it be deprived of essential nutrients at any given time. Also, your digestive system will be working at a regular “schedule.”

At the supermarket, stock up on veggies and fruits you can eat without cooking. You can snack on them regularly without much food preparation. You should also get fat-burning foods like garlic, chilies, nuts, citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes, and a variety of berries.

Tofu, an alternative source of protein, will help get you a flat stomach 2 weeks later. While you’re there, grab a bottle of multivitamins and take 1 tablet daily. Remember to stay away from fatty foods – they will only set you back.

3. Proper Exercise. You can’t expect to go easy in the next 2 weeks if you truly want to see results by then. That’s why performing exercises correctly and regularly will do the trick.

With the use of a timer, you need to stick to a diet and exercise routine. Every time that timer goes off, you need to get off that couch and start working: walk around, drink water, eat your small portions, work out, get ample sleep, and do it all again the next day.

Before you even notice it, the flat stomach 2 weeks program should be completed in no time at all. After doing everything intensely for 2 weeks, give your body a break by resuming a slower-paced exercise routine and going back to a normal diet. The most important thing to remember is that you never give up in those 2 weeks and keep your eye on the prize at all times.

Share your own flat stomach 2 weeks experience by entering your story below.

The Best Way to Work Abs

Focusing on just doing targeted abdominal exercises isn’t the best way to work abs. I’ll tell you why…

Back in the day, modern conveniences did not exist. There were no computers, no heavy-duty equipment, and hardly any desk jobs. “Hard labor” was just what the phrase implied – HARD LABOR.

As the early inhabitants of this world went through their day, they would do heavy lifting, travel great distances on foot, harvest the fields of their crops with their very hands, and rely on nothing but their own physical strength to get things done. They weren’t aware of abdominal exercises back then, were they? And yet, many of them had such toned bodies and ripped abs.

Have you ever asked yourself what their secret was?

The best way to work abs back then was to get full body workouts while doing their everyday tasks. They might have broken their backs from all that hard work, but, clearly, it gave them such well-formed physiques.

I’m not suggesting you go back to primitive ways for you to get fit. However, the idea of performing a more holistic workout routine can actually push you toward the right direction.

A complete abs workout is made up of two very important elements:

1. Full Body Fitness. Core-specific exercises are quite beneficial, especially if you want to get ripped abs. But doing exercises that target other parts of your body is also essential. Your abs make up just one part of a whole, and the best way to work abs is by involving the rest of your body.

Athletes need to build muscle and train hard for their particular sport, but you don’t see them performing only one specific exercise. Incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine will get you a complete workout. Only then can you start to get a body as fit and as toned as your favorite athletes.

2. Fast Motion. Keeping a fast pace during your workout will get you to your goal quicker. Therefore, it is the best way to work abs.

You work your muscles and you keep going for as long as you can. Doing your exercises in a continuous, flowing manner will maintain your momentum and push you to greater heights.

Keep in mind, however, that you can’t just throw caution to the wind. You need to be consistent with your workout routine, but not careless. This way, you get the most out of your training without incurring any injuries.

Indeed, the best way to work abs is to constantly work the whole body. Always incorporate these two important elements in your fitness plan and you’ll do just fine.

What other methods do you have to work your abs? Share your secrets below.

Fast Flat Abs Easy

When you’re trying to get fast flat abs there are a few important things you can do to get started. All of them will help increase the burn, so you can expose those sexy tummy muscles, while you’re toning them.

1. If you want it fast, you will have to heat it up. That means metabolism. A number of natural foods will kick start your system into burning food faster, and more efficiently.

Some of these foods are:

  • garlic
  • asparagus
  • romaine lettuce
  • apples
  • berries
  • soy
  • sunflower oil

All of these either help your body reject fat, or eliminate toxins, while they stimulate your metabolism.

Garlic is great for the immune system. It helps to cleanse your organs and tissues. Asparagus and romaine lettuce will help you eliminate extra water from your system, which prevents bloating.

Apples and berries are high in pectin, which hinders retention of fat by the body. Soy is a leaner protein than meat, and even more nutritious.

Sunflower oil is lighter than olive or corn oils, and more easily digestible.

Foods to avoid:

  • fats
  • sugar
  • starch

Foods that are fatty include:

  • nuts
  • meat
  • olives
  • snack foods
  • fried foods
  • butter, cheese and non-skim milk

Watch out for hidden sugar and starch in energy bars and prepared foods, like instant side dishes. Changing your diet a little can cut months off your exercise program, and give you fast flat abs.

2. Temperature is important. Not the room temperature; your body temperature. Getting rid of stored fat in the body is like trying to cook it out of your food. It’s nicer not to have it at all; but once it’s there, you have got to heat it to make it go away. This means isolating the abdominal section of the body, and dressing it warmer.

They make exercise clothing just for this, usually made of a lightweight foam-like composite material. You wear it underneath your sweatshirt while you exercise. If you have something that will work already, save the money. Once you’ve trimmed that abdominal section, you won’t be needing it anymore.

Exercise clothes won’t make you look slim in the gym, but they will speed up that burn.

3. Don’t think that exercise is just for workout time. Increase your activity level all week long.

You may not know it, but there are tons of ways to exercise during your normal day.

Activities that you can do during your day include:

  • Power walk around the mall while you shop – alone or with a friend.
  • Park farther from your destination on purpose. Those few extra minutes of walking can really add up!
  • Take the dog, or the kids, to the park for an extra hour on Saturday.
  • When you have a little extra time, walk to the store, rather than driving.

With the right knowledge and a good attitude, you can begin to see results much faster than with exercise alone.

Anything else you might add? Feel free to do so by sharing below.

Get Female Abs – Six Pack Women Secrets

Most fitness trainers hear the question “How do I get a flat stomach?”The truth is getting a sexy body is going to take work. But with the help of female abs six pack women secrets, it will be a piece of cake. Getting a flat stomach and sculpted abs is going to take a combination of good nutrition, cardio exercise and exercises to target the ab muscles themselves. The best results happen when you combine all three of these techniques.

1. Good nutrition is the foundation for fitness. It is the key secret of female abs six pack women. You’ve got to control the kind and amount of food that you put into your body on a daily basis. If you get most of your calories from fast food and processed junk, you are not going to have a healthy body.

When you eat natural and whole foods, you’ll create a healthy physique. You’ll also give your body the best chance it has to create lean, tight abs.

Instead of cutting calories, try spreading your food intake out throughout the day into five to six small meals a day. You’ll keep your metabolism fired up all day long and burn more fat.

2. Exercise is the second important component of the female abs six pack women secrets. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat. It doesn’t matter what type you pick as long as you do it regularly.


Cardio exercise can include running, walking, dancing and cycling. Whatever moves your body and gets your heart pumping faster will help you burn fat. You’ll lose the fat that has built up over your ab muscles.

3. The last and most important female abs six pack women secret you should know is to continue with exercises specifically targeted to work your abdominal muscles.

Remember your ab muscles have three different layers. To reach all three, it is better to do less reps at a more intense pace.

A lot of women believe they need to do 50 to 100 crunches per day. They think that’s one great female abs six pack women secret. If you do these many reps, how can you be sure that you are using the right form? It’s better to do less reps correctly than lots of reps. When crunches are done properly, 15 to 20 a day should be plenty.

To do a proper crunch, you’ll have to focus on using you abdominal muscles, and not your back or arms, to lift your torso. Raise your head slowly and stop as your muscles contract. Don’t try to touch your knees. Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly return your head to the floor.

The key is in doing each crunch slowly and deliberately. Don’t power through them. Feel the muscles contract and hold them. This is the best way to get your dream body. Now, isn’t it good to know all the female abs six pack women secrets?