How to Exercise for a Flat Stomach

You might think that you need to spend thousands of dollars, or hundreds of hours, to exercise for a flat stomach. However, this isn’t the case at all.

Every day, people all across the world head to the gym for hours of crunches to get a flat stomach. You can go into the fitness section of any bookstore and see dozens of books promising the secret of how to get a flat stomach.

Infomercials run across the television spectrum at all hours of the day and night selling gadgets, pills, proprietary plans, and secret knowledge, all claiming to give you a flat stomach instantly.

So, does any of it work? Scientists and fitness experts all say that no, it won’t work by itself, and some of it won’t work at all.

The keys to getting a flat stomach are still old-fashioned diet and exercise.

Here’s a quick list of exercises that you can do at home, without any cash outlay. Just try these every other day, and try each one five to ten times in sequence.

  • Curls
  • Crunches
  • Bicycles
  • Knee to Chest Stretch

A good cardiovascular workout plan is an excellent foundation for any exercise plan. Running, swimming, pilates, yoga, or even a plain old walk will benefit you greatly.

Try for at least three hours a week of exercise. It takes hard work to get a flat stomach, but don’t overdo it. An hour at a time is quite enough. Otherwise, you can become fatigued and even injure yourself.

If you feel like snacking, it should be done right after your exercise. Your metabolism will be working overtime and you will burn fat much quicker than normal.

What many people don’t understand is that sit-ups alone won’t get you a flat stomach in days, if ever. Sit-ups will help tone a loose stomach, but if you really have belly flab, your first step needs to be losing that weight.

What did you have for breakfast? You probably don’t remember, but it was most likely fat filled – donuts, sausages, french toast? Keeping your diet plan is just as important as keeping your exercise plan.

You will need to make a diet plan, and stick to it. If you want a flat stomach, you’ll have to eat for it as well. Eating healthy food regularly isn’t a hard thing to do, as long as you keep track of the foods you eat.

Eat frequent, small meals, between 4-6 times per day. Make sure to make each and every meal balanced. Balanced means including a generous amount of whole grains, healthy proteins, and a small amount of fat from a healthy source (such as olive oil).

Whole grains are the most important, white bread just doesn’t cut it. Make whole grains the base of your diet and you’ll have plenty of energy for exercise.

How about you? What’s your flat stomach workout strategy? Share your insights below.

Diet For A Flat Stomach – Why Starving Yourself Doesn’t Work

The best diet for a flat stomach doesn’t involve starving yourself but practicing correct eating habits. Did you know that our body is designed to store fat? Yes, our bodies store fat because of our ancestral evolution. Our ancestors have experienced food scarcity unless they can hunt successfully in the wild. The human body evolved due to the constant starvation whenever food is scarce, that’s why it stores fat for future usage. This is the main reason why starving yourself doesn’t work, this is the worst and inefficient diet for a flat stomach.

The best diet for a flat stomach involves increasing your metabolism by eating five or six small proportioned meals more frequently each day. When your body is constantly nourished with healthy choices of food, without feeling starved, it will store less fat and will activate your metabolism at a faster pace.

In order to achieve a perfect diet for a flat stomach, never go for crash diets. It would be best to gradually change your bad eating habits by substituting healthier meals in the process. If you are eating too many calories than what is allowed, gradually lessen the proportion of your food but don’t go overboard by starving yourself.

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4 Great Tips to Getting Ripped Abs Quick

There is no magic formula to getting ripped abs quick, but it does require commitment and some research to understand what you can do to get those abdominal muscles into shape.

The best way to get six pack abs is to utilize what you already have and not spend on things that are not even necessary. I’m talking about really expensive ab machines, electronic tummy belts, and prestigious gym memberships. Sure enough, these may contribute to your success, but without any definite guarantees.

The only “machine” you really need is your very own body. With the right information, a positive and proactive frame of mind, and the implementation of best practices, there’s really no stopping you from getting ripped abs quick.

Check out these 4 valuable tips that will help you build your abdominals and get rid of excess tummy fat:

1. Do regular crunches and reverse crunches.

Crunches have become very popular since the dawn of bodybuilding (and the birth of midriff shirts). These superior versions of the sit up target your abdominal muscles, especially the  rectus abdominis and lower abs, like no other basic ab exercise.

Unlike full sit ups, crunches zone in on your abs and work it harder, relying very minimally on other body parts or muscle groups for support. Instead of distributing the work among your back muscles, legs, and shoulders, your abs do most, if not all, of the work, and that’s what you must aim for if you want ripped abs quick.

2. Don’t work your abs too hard!

I know you want to see results fast. But working your abdominal muscles every single day can actually be more harmful than you think. You want to sculpt your abs, not work them to death!

Performing abdominal muscle training not more than 4 times a week should be plenty. This ensures that your abs are getting enough exercise without overworking them. Injuries brought about by carelessness and over-eagerness will only set you back.

3. Know That Crunches Won’t Ever Be Enough.

For you to get ripped abs quick, you must also burn excess body fat and build overall body muscle. In between the days you allotted for abs training, it would be best to concentrate on the rest of your body by doing full cardio workouts. That way, you get to work other muscle groups as well.

4. Eat right.

The food you eat says a lot about what your body is capable of losing…or gaining. If you eat junk and highly processed food a lot, then you’re bombarding your body with unnecessary fats and chemicals. That means, you will need to work extra hard to lose all that excess body fat.

Imagine if you stuck to healthier options like fresh vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, high-protein snacks, nuts, and fruits – you can only get that sexy body faster.

So you see, getting ripped abs quick can be achieved by simply following these 4 simple guidelines. Stick to them and you’ll rock a slamming body in no time.

Help build the list by adding a 5th tip you know of. Share your experience by adding a comment below.

Top 3 Flat Stomach Tips

Getting a flat stomach is very doable. All you need are some sure-fire flat stomach tips to get you started. Fortunately for you, you’ve come to the right place.

Doing countless sit ups or eating a low-fat diet is beneficial, but here you will also learn about good exercise practices that will help burn belly fat faster and other flab-eliminating techniques.

Tip #1: Eating less calories than you burn.

Working out constantly can help trim the fat, but if you eat relentless amounts of fat or simply don’t care about how many calories you end up consuming for that day, then you’re pretty much stuck.

Eat fewer calories than you actually burn – this is the first of three flat stomach tips.

Generally, women can burn around 1,500 to 1,600 calories per day. Meanwhile, men are capable of burning around 2,500 calories. Regardless of your sex, you can definitely burn more calories if you perform full body exercises regularly.

Counting the calories you take in or burn is not really necessary, but if you find the time to do so, that’s OK, too. Simply be aware of how much you eat and how much exercise you do. At the end of the day, you’ll feel really good about yourself if you don’t overeat and work up a sweat with ample exercise.

These diet flat stomach tips could work better if you utilize other tools, such as calorie counters. They’re usually available at the supermarket, your local pharmacy, or even at your doctor’s.

Just having a general idea how many calories a particular kind of food has will help you make better diet choices. Once you’re aware how much calories a bag of chips has, I wouldn’t be surprised if you started to snack on healthier options, such as vegetable sticks and nuts.

Tip #2: Keeping it firm and tight with elastic clothing.

Steam baths, slimming massages, and clinical body wraps can help you feel better about yourself, but they’re not the best flat stomach tips around. They’re not the most practical solutions either.

A great way to keep excess fat from jiggling and burning some of it in the process is by wearing breathable elastic clothing or synthetic rubber pants. These affordable reinforcements are available in fitness stores and dance specialty shops, since they are usually worn by dancers.

Wearing them under or over your regular workout clothes will help insulate more heat thus burn more fat. It will also help firm up body parts that are susceptible to sagging.

Tip #3: Good posture goes a long way.

Good posture is the last of the three flat stomach tips. Not only are you promoting correct bone structure and sufficient blood flow, but you’re also allowing your body to LOOK good – that in itself can help take inches off your belly.

Every time you sit or stand, imagine someone hovering above pulling on a string that’s attached to the topmost part of your head. Keep your shoulders back and suck in your gut. Try catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and see how much better you look by simply correcting your posture.

These 3 great flat stomach tips will definitely take you to the next level of your fitness program. Go ahead and try it!

Add to the list. What’s your number 4 tip to a flat stomach? Leave your own tips below.

Top 3 Ways to Get a Flat Stomach in One Month

Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a month from today and you’re looking in the mirror, amazed and excited that you got a flat stomach in one month.

Ask yourself this question: How did you get there?

Whether you need to look good for a wedding, birthday, reunion or some other event important to you, I’ve written this article for you.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will have learned the TWO most important strategies to get a flat stomach in one month.

1#: What are you putting in your mouth?

If you’re like most people, getting a flat stomach in one month will be a huge challenge but having a solid eating strategy is one of the best things you can do to keep your goal.

Did you notice that I said eating strategy not diet? You do want to keep you flat stomach after a month, don’t you? Diets are horrible as a long-term strategy.

So, here are a few eating strategies you can master that will help you get yourself a flat stomach in one month…

First, you’ll want to eat little to no “bad” fats in your diet, especially if you’re already carrying around excess body fat.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat foods with fat in them. In fact, many fat burning foods like almonds and walnuts have plenty of the fats that are good for you. You just have to be more aware of what you eat and stay clear of totally unhealthy fatty foods like fried chicken, potato chips, French fries, donut- you know the ones ;)

Second, for a flat stomach in one month, did you know that you should always make sure you eat something for breakfast- preferably something high-protein.

According to the latest science, skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism by up to 15%.

What does this mean? It makes it easier to add excess body fat…You just don’t have time for this if you seriously want a flat stomach in one month.

Eat Breakfast!

For the rest of the day, make sure you eat something when you feel hungry. Don’t starve yourself because it will only increase your cravings for later and further slow down your metabolism. Small, frequent meals should keep your body energized and ready for a flat stomach in one month.

Avoid white or refined carbs (e.g. sugar, white pasta, etc.) and stick to whole grain or whole wheat instead. Load up on proteins like beans, lean meats, and eggs right after you work out. Of course, don’t ever forget your fruits and vegetables.

What you drink is just as important as what you eat. Limit or cut out alcoholic and sugary drinks (e.g. soda, process fruit juice, etc)- this includes artificially sweetened drinks.

Instead, drink 8-10 cups of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and refreshed.

Now that you know how important a solid eating strategy is to looking and feeling great with your flat stomach in a month, it’s important that you now find a proven eating strategy.

2#: Beyond What You Eat

With your diet in order, it’s now time to look at your physical activity (or the absence of it). Maintaining an active lifestyle is key to any successful fitness plan.

FACT! Not enough dieting in the world can get you a flat midsection in just a month unless you’re already there.

Here’s what you need to know in order to exercise to get a flat stomach in one month:

Here’s the bottom line, committing to a proven “flat stomach” program is your best chance of getting a flat stomach in a month. This includes both starting a smart eating and exercise program… Get started now!