6 Pack Abs Exercises For Everyone

Some people think that 6 pack abs exercises are hard, or require a personal trainer, but that’s not the case at all. Getting 6 pack abs is not as difficult as you may think. You don’t even need to go to the gym.

What part of your body attracts the most attention? According to surveys of both men and women, sexy, toned abs are the biggest show stopper. That’s not really surprising – even art from 2,000 years ago showcased the abs. A finely sculpted midsection is a work of art in itself.

What exercises will give you the look of a Greek god? Read on to find out.

But before we discuss exercises, you should know that exercise alone won’t give you the abs you want. Fat burning, a healthy diet, and cardio exercise are all important facets of an abdominal workout program.

The four primary 6 pack abs exercises are:

  1. Ball Crunches
  2. Weighted Sit Ups
  3. Bicycles
  4. Full Body Crunches

Ball Crunches

Note that this exercise requires the use of an exercise ball.

Place your feet flat on the floor and sit on the exercise ball. Lie back slowly, letting the ball gently roll until your thighs and torso are in a parallel line with the floor. Begin raising your torso halfway up, while contracting your abdominal muscles. When you reach a 45 degree incline, stop and lie back down slowly.

Weighted Sit Ups

This exercise requires the use of a small weight. If you do not have a small weight, any similarly sized object, such as a hardcover book or bag of flour will do.

Lie down on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. Place the weight on your chest and hold it in place with both hands. Contract your abdominal muscles. Slowly lift your head and back up from the floor, while keeping your feet on the ground. Go up as high as you can and hold it for a second. Then slowly return down and repeat.


Lie flat on the floor. Rest your hands up next to your head and bring your knees halfway up. Begin a bicycling motion with your legs. Alternate between touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat.

Full Body Crunches

Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees and place your hands across your chest. Contract your abdominal muscles. Bring your shoulder blades up off of the floor several inches while bringing your knees up at the same time. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower yourself.

These four exercises can all be performed in your home with inexpensive equipment.

Begin with 5 repetitions of each exercise and gradually work up to 20. After exercising, you should feel like you have worked out, but if you feel burning or tingling, lessen your workout time and step up gradually. This will reduce your risk of injury or strain.

By performing these 6 pack abs exercises, and following a sensible workout program, you are already on your way to the abs of your dreams.

What other techniques can you add to make these exercises effective? Share your expertise below.

Diet For A Flat Stomach – Why Starving Yourself Doesn’t Work

The best diet for a flat stomach doesn’t involve starving yourself but practicing correct eating habits. Did you know that our body is designed to store fat? Yes, our bodies store fat because of our ancestral evolution. Our ancestors have experienced food scarcity unless they can hunt successfully in the wild. The human body evolved due to the constant starvation whenever food is scarce, that’s why it stores fat for future usage. This is the main reason why starving yourself doesn’t work, this is the worst and inefficient diet for a flat stomach.

The best diet for a flat stomach involves increasing your metabolism by eating five or six small proportioned meals more frequently each day. When your body is constantly nourished with healthy choices of food, without feeling starved, it will store less fat and will activate your metabolism at a faster pace.

In order to achieve a perfect diet for a flat stomach, never go for crash diets. It would be best to gradually change your bad eating habits by substituting healthier meals in the process. If you are eating too many calories than what is allowed, gradually lessen the proportion of your food but don’t go overboard by starving yourself.

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Top 3 Flat Stomach Tips

Getting a flat stomach is very doable. All you need are some sure-fire flat stomach tips to get you started. Fortunately for you, you’ve come to the right place.

Doing countless sit ups or eating a low-fat diet is beneficial, but here you will also learn about good exercise practices that will help burn belly fat faster and other flab-eliminating techniques.

Tip #1: Eating less calories than you burn.

Working out constantly can help trim the fat, but if you eat relentless amounts of fat or simply don’t care about how many calories you end up consuming for that day, then you’re pretty much stuck.

Eat fewer calories than you actually burn – this is the first of three flat stomach tips.

Generally, women can burn around 1,500 to 1,600 calories per day. Meanwhile, men are capable of burning around 2,500 calories. Regardless of your sex, you can definitely burn more calories if you perform full body exercises regularly.

Counting the calories you take in or burn is not really necessary, but if you find the time to do so, that’s OK, too. Simply be aware of how much you eat and how much exercise you do. At the end of the day, you’ll feel really good about yourself if you don’t overeat and work up a sweat with ample exercise.

These diet flat stomach tips could work better if you utilize other tools, such as calorie counters. They’re usually available at the supermarket, your local pharmacy, or even at your doctor’s.

Just having a general idea how many calories a particular kind of food has will help you make better diet choices. Once you’re aware how much calories a bag of chips has, I wouldn’t be surprised if you started to snack on healthier options, such as vegetable sticks and nuts.

Tip #2: Keeping it firm and tight with elastic clothing.

Steam baths, slimming massages, and clinical body wraps can help you feel better about yourself, but they’re not the best flat stomach tips around. They’re not the most practical solutions either.

A great way to keep excess fat from jiggling and burning some of it in the process is by wearing breathable elastic clothing or synthetic rubber pants. These affordable reinforcements are available in fitness stores and dance specialty shops, since they are usually worn by dancers.

Wearing them under or over your regular workout clothes will help insulate more heat thus burn more fat. It will also help firm up body parts that are susceptible to sagging.

Tip #3: Good posture goes a long way.

Good posture is the last of the three flat stomach tips. Not only are you promoting correct bone structure and sufficient blood flow, but you’re also allowing your body to LOOK good – that in itself can help take inches off your belly.

Every time you sit or stand, imagine someone hovering above pulling on a string that’s attached to the topmost part of your head. Keep your shoulders back and suck in your gut. Try catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and see how much better you look by simply correcting your posture.

These 3 great flat stomach tips will definitely take you to the next level of your fitness program. Go ahead and try it!

Add to the list. What’s your number 4 tip to a flat stomach? Leave your own tips below.

3 Guidelines to The Six Pack Abs Diet

The six pack abs diet is nothing like those fleeting fad diets. If anything, it’s part of a total lifestyle that promotes maximum performance, muscle development, and continuous healthy living. If you want fast results and practical maintenance, this kind of diet is exactly what you need.

Before going into the details, let me just clear one thing first. “Dieting” should not be associated with starvation. A diet is simply comprised of the actual food you take in everyday. Changing one’s diet for the better has to begin somewhere, and starting with this particular one could reap you a lot of benefits, including hot six pack abs.

Here are some guidelines that will help you adapt to the six pack abs diet:

1. Re-examine Your Diet. A good way of evaluating your diet is by asking some of the basic Ws and Hs – what, when, where, why, how much, and how often.

If you’re the type who enjoys eating out and having food delivered, you need to be extra careful because you really don’t know what goes into preparing your food exactly. Were they made with the freshest ingredients? Did they use cooking oil high in saturated and Trans fat? Was that really chicken?

Do some research next time you eat out. Ask for healthier substitutes in your meals so you still stick to your six pack abs diet (e.g. use extra virgin olive oil instead of salted butter, or fresh vinaigrette instead of the thousand island dressing). If you can’t prepare your own food and you really have to go out to eat, try visiting more restaurants that serve vegetarian or Japanese cuisine – both are said to be very high in protein and low in fat.

These are just very simple yet doable changes you can practice to improve on your diet.

2. Out With the Bad, In With the Good. Scour your cupboards, fridge, and pantry. With the six pack abs diet, you must throw out all the foods that are high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Sure, you can keep a few treats. But never allow them to take up most of your daily meals, not even when you snack.

Slowly relieving your body of these unnecessary kinds of food will make you crave less and help you develop a leaner, healthier body.

3. Start With Yourself and Slowly Influence Those Around You. There’s really no point in preaching or forcing others to eat the way you do. After all, dieting is a choice. Instead, give your friends and family reasons to eat healthier. Before you know it, everyone at the table is on the six pack abs diet as well.

Knowing these 3 valuable guidelines will definitely help you ease into a healthier version of yourself. Remember that the six pack abs diet is more than just a tool…it’s a lifestyle.

Do you have your own six pack abs diet? Share it by commenting below.

Best Way to Get Six Pack Abs – Eat Right!

Watch what you eat — we’ve all heard THAT a thousand times before, haven’t we? But no matter how repetitious or annoying it can get, our doctors, health advisers, fitness trainers, friends, and family are actually right on the money. This is precisely the best way to get six pack abs, among other things.

The six pack abs diet is quite simple really.  Its nutritional system includes new sets of strategies on what TYPE OF FOOD you need to eat, what TIME OF THE DAY you need to eat, and HOW OFTEN you need to eat.

There are three major food components that you need to focus on when going after well-developed abs – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These macronutrients, when taken at the right quantity at the right time, provide significant amounts of energy your body would need to help strengthen and define your core muscles.

Carb Your Enthusiasm

Hard-gainers are not the only ones who need carbohydrates. If you’re determined to lose those unwanted pounds and achieve a sculpted body, you’d probably want to include carbs in your diet as well. Without significant quantities of good carbohydrates (e.g. whole grains, fibrous vegetables, whole fruits) in your system, you’ll feel sluggish and burnt out before you even start doing anything.

If you really want to know the best way to get six pack abs, you need to understand how a Moderate Carb Diet can be beneficial. This is the type of weight-loss program that limits carb intake without completely depriving your body.

Good carbs are mostly found in fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and fresh greens. Cookies, cakes and bagels are high in starch and, therefore, should be eaten sparingly. You do deserve a treat once in a while, right?

Just remember that CARBS AREN’T THE ENEMY. Taking them out of the diet for six pack abs can actually do you more harm than good.

Protein Shake It, Baby

Protein is responsible for stimulating your metabolism, stabilizing your energy levels, and supporting your lean muscles 24/7. If that isn’t the best way to get six pack abs, then I don’t know what is.

Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, it’s recommended to select the type of protein that best fits your lifestyle. Eggs, poultry, and meat are essential staples in a protein diet. Protein shakes are also very good sources of this macronutrient.

Fats of Life

Fats are vital to your overall wellness, even if your goal is to simply lose the weight. When you consume the right amount of beneficial fats, your pangs of hunger don’t occur too often within the day. Therefore, including fats in your diet is the best way to get six pack abs.

There are four basic types of fats; saturated fats, which are found in animal protein like beef; trans fat, which is an artificial type commonly found in fast food; mono-unsaturated fats, which are made up of healthy fats found in nuts and other legumes; and poly-unsaturated fats, also known as essential fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Nutritional experts believe that fat is burned when you regularly use energy. You need to remember that the only safest fat you can eat is mono-unsaturated fats. Saturated and poly-unsaturated fats must be consumed in limited quantities while trans fat should be avoided entirely.


The best way to get six pack abs is to customize your own six pack abs diet by including all of the macronutrients. Eat the right portion of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. If you don’t know how to prepare your own diet, check out www.FatBurningMealPlans.com.

Which particular foods have you tried that work for your six pack abs? Share them with your comments below.