4 Great Exercises for Building Washboard Abs

Building washboard abs seems like a very difficult task, but, really, it’s not. It only seems that way because you’ve made up your mind without even trying first.

I remember when I got started with this whole six pack abs thing; I didn’t really get it right away. After much reading, however, I realized ANYONE who had determination and dedication can get totally ripped abs.

Doing targeted abs exercises can certainly get you the abs of your dreams. Combined with a well-balanced diet and frequent fat-burning workouts, targeted abs exercises will get rid of that unwanted flab and sculpt your ab muscles.

As you load up on a good eating strategy and do exercises like running and swimming, remember to do targeted abs exercises 3 to 4 times a week. Building washboard abs can be easy if you follow these simple exercises:

Weighted Sit Ups

You won’t need much for this exercise except for small weights:

  1. Lie down on your exercise mat, bend your knees slightly, and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Put the weights on your chest and keep them in place with both hands.
  3. Lift your upper body slowly while keeping your lower half still.
  4. Go up to a 45-degree angle and hold that position for as long as you can.
  5. Slowly lower yourself back down and start all over.


Full Body Crunches

Building washboard abs with full body crunches can get to your goal faster because it works the entire midsection.

  1. Lie back down on the floor and begin doing regular crunches.
  2. As your upper body comes up for the crunch, keep your ab muscles tight, and lift your legs off the ground.
  3. Gradually lower both your torso and legs back to the floor.


Ball Crunches

For this one, you won’t need anything except for an exercise ball.

  1. Sit on the ball and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
  2. Without moving your feet, slowly roll back on the ball until your upper body and thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Go up for a crunch while balancing your body with your feet and abdominal muscles.
  4. Remember to keep those muscles taut.
  5. Go back down to your original position and repeat the exercise.
woman-doing-abs-cruches-on-exercise-ball-starting-position woman-doing-abs-cruches-on-exercise-ball-end-position


  1. Again, lie flat on the floor.
  2. Place your hands behind each ear and bring your legs halfway up.
  3. Begin a cycling motion with your legs, alternately bringing in each leg closer to your pelvis.
  4. As your right knee comes up, twist your torso so your left elbow touches it. Then, do the same with the other side.
  • Once you’ve completed 10 to 15 reps, perform the same exercise while “pedaling” backwards.
woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-1 woman-doing-bicycle-abs-crunches-2

20 to 25 reps of each exercise will give both your upper and lower abdominals a great workout. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles tight and drink plenty of water. You’ll soon realize that building washboard abs with these 4 great exercises will become a great habit!

The Basics of the Flat Stomach Fast Diet

We all want to have flat stomachs but it requires focus and determination. Your flat stomach fast diethas to combine a proper diet and an ab blasting workout.

Start with cutting down on soft drinks, diet or otherwise. It’s a proven fact that diet drinks actually cause weight gain. Cutting out soft drinks can have a big effect on your waistline in only a week’s time. Replace those soft drinks with water or fruit juice for added health benefits.

Continue your flat stomach fast diet by including more healthy foods in your diet. Cut down on junk food and increase the fruits and vegetables in your daily routine. You’ll feel a difference in your stomach, and everywhere else in your body.

Water can make a major impact on your quest for flat abs. If you aren’t getting the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, start immediately. Water flushes out toxins from your system, helps your cells work better and fills you up.

It is really important to eat regular small meals. Don’t starve yourself in order to get the perfect stomach. The flat stomach fast diet means taking 5 to 7 small meals per day.

Why do you need to eat so often? It has to do with boosting your metabolism. All of the flat abs exercises in the world won’t make a difference if you have a high percentage of body fat. The more body fat you lose, the more you will be able to see your tight ab muscles.

Boosting your metabolism is essential to the flat stomach fast diet. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day will fire up your metabolism and make you a fat burning machine.

Too many people try to eliminate calories when they diet and end up slowing down their metabolism. Spreading the same amount of calories throughout the day is the best way to supercharge your metabolism.

The final component of the flat stomach fast diet is setting up a good ab workout routine for yourself. Alternate fat burning cardio workouts with strength training that will target your abs.

Try different types of crunches on different days to work out all of your ab muscles. Use standard crunches to work your upper abs and leg lifts for your lower abs. Side bends will target your obliques, or love handles.

Make sure to track your progress so you can see how many inches you lose, and stick to it! The flat stomach fast diet will work but you have to give it time to transform your body.

The Upper Abs Exercise – Flat Stomach Results Guaranteed

Can’t seem to build upper abs? Looking for the best exercise to flatten that stomach?

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One of the main stomach muscles you have to workout is your upper abs, and, sadly, it has one of the thickest layers of fat deposits in our body. The best exercise flat stomach for your upper abs is the basic crunch, as long as you perform it correctly. Some infomercials tell people that crunching doesn’t help you get that flat sexy abs, but it actually does. People are just performing the incorrect form of crunching, that’s why they don’t get the results they wanted.

Lucky for you, we are here to teach you the proper way of doing the basic crunch exercise flat stomach that’s guaranteed to give you the best results. Start on a lying position with your back laid flat on the exercise mat. Now put your hands on the side of your head or across your chest. Some people put their hands behind their head, that’s why they hurt their necks badly when doing the crunch. This is one of the incorrect strategies done by a lot of people.

Before doing the  exercise flat stomach crunch, bend your knees at 90 degrees angle and let your feet rest flat on the floor. Now that you’re ready, slowly lift your shoulders off the floor using your stomach muscles. Make sure that your chest don’t touch your knees, allow a few space in between them. If you let your chest touch your knees, your hip reflexes are doing all the work and not your upper abs’ muscles.

Once you reach the top of your exercise flat stomach crunch, intensely contract your upper abs and slowly move back to the starting position. Repeat the process about fifteen times and do at least three sets of upper abs crunches. While doing this exercise a flat stomach, you have to remember doing the correct breathing pattern. Exhale while you are crunching up, and inhale when you’re going back to the starting position.

Have crunches been effective for you in developing your upper abs? Share your experience below.

3 Great Reasons to Buy a Body Solid Exercise Machine

If you’re looking for a complete home gym, a Body Solid exercise machine is just the thing. With a lot of cardio training and ab workout machines to choose from, you’re bound to find the one that best suits you and your lifestyle.

Working hard to get the body of your dreams is one thing; having to maintain it is another. With the right piece of equipment from Body Solid, you can easily follow through with your abs fitness plan and continue to look good.

There are 3 good reasons why you should get a Body Solid Exercise Machine:

1. You get what you pay for…and more. When looking to buy exercise equipment, you would definitely want something that will last for a long time. The only way to do that is to look at your purchase as a long-term investment. You can expect to pay a little more for high-quality exercise equipment.

This is not the time to be stingy. The cost can be a little overwhelming at first, but think about what a Body Solid exercise machine offers:

  • Great value for your money
  • Excellent performance
  • Very easy to operate
  • Provides many features

The price range of these equipment is varies, so you surely can find one that won’t break the bank. Asking for installment plans and special discounts can also help you a great deal.

2. A lifetime warranty makes it all worthwhile. Body Solid offers lifetime warranties on all of their products. This can play a big part when you decide on purchasing one. Not only is it ideal, but having a lifetime warranty can help ease your mind.

Years from now, you would still want to feel secure about your purchase. A lifetime warranty guarantees that you can enjoy your Body Solid exercise machine for a very, very long time.

3. You get a diverse range of exercises. Variety is crucial when executing a successful fitness plan. With their state of the art fitness technology, you will be able to perform all kinds of exercises even when you buy just one piece of equipment.

The Body Solid EXM 2750S, for example, boasts of significant technological advances in the last 2 decades. It replicate free weight exercises and promotes 25% more muscle interaction while maximizing your body’s full range of motion and keeping you injure-free.

You can easily perform the following exercises on a Body Solid exercise machine:

  • Ab crunches
  • Bicep curls
  • Leg extensions
  • Bench press
  • Lat pull downs
  • Seated rows
  • Incline press
  • Triceps extensions
  • Shoulder press
  • Leg curls

The best part is that the benefits don’t end there.

Having your own home gym equipment can motivate you to continue working out. That in itself is a good reason to get your own Body Solid exercise machine. When you buy a Body Solid product, you know you’re getting only the best there is.

What do you like best about your body solid exercise machine? Let us know by sending your feedback below.

Why Female Abs Take Longer

While most of us want to see the results of our efforts in the mirror, we are not professional body builders. Looking like a professional body builder is usually more results than desired.

Women really don’t usually have to worry about over building. Unless you do extreme bodybuilding, or take professional bulking supplements, you will never get the “Mr. Universe” type physique.

Click Here to Build Sexy Female Abs!

Certain areas of the body are more resistant to definition than others. Studies on exercise results between men and women show that men and women metabolize differently. While doctors are not completely sure why this happens, they suspect that the difference is hormonal.

The wall of the abdomen in females of normal weight is still naturally covered with a layer of fat. When you burn fat in the body, you lose weight, but you do not necessarily gain mass. Because the body does not convert free fatty acids into muscle, fat enters the bloodstream and diminishes over time. If you are older and menopausal, this can translate into changes in the heart and blood pressure.

While moderate exercise is great for everyone, intensive isolations, such as female ab development, should be approached along with another, more general, program of exercise to gradually build stamina and cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, while female abs are harder to define, men are more prone to hernias in that body region.

The greatest obstruction to defining female abs is finding them. In order to see them, you have to lose the body fat. This means major changes in diet to trim those stubborn pounds in the midsection area, and consistent reduction of fat intake to keep those toned abs exposed. Sugar, sweets, fried foods, and junk food snacks all have to go.

After you have cleaned away the fat, you still have to build a little tissue to get that sexy, toned abs look. This takes time and training. No supplement and no miracle exercise program can do what consistency will produce. You don’t have to build a lot of muscle to show off, but no muscle will give you that flat pancake look without the six pack.

A lot of traditional exercises create more back strain than results. Ideal exercises isolate the entire abdominal region, including the lower back, adding definition and increasing strength as your regimen expands. Using a machine can speed up the effect, combined with floor exercises, like the reverse crunch.

It takes time and effort to get those female abs to buff up, but diet, exercise and persistence are the key factors.

  • Diet
  • Exercise specific muscles
  • Determination

Make sure you keep up the general workout so that you get that overall toned appearance, while you build those beautiful female abs.

Click Here to Build Sexy Female Abs!