Six Pack Abs Guide – Important Principles to Remember

A good exercise routine has to be customized to target specific areas of your body. If you want rock solid abs, you will need an effective six pack abs guide that will show you exactly what you need to do. Exercises for six pack abs paired with hard work can get you the results you’ve always dreamed of.

Just think about tennis for a second. Do you think you can play well without learning how to serve or rally? As with any other sport, or even going to war, you need to be prepared.

How to get six pack abs fast then? I’ll be honest. There is no secret formula to getting six pack abs fast. However, if you equip yourself with the know-how and the right techniques for an effective six pack abs guide, then you’re definitely on the right track.

When creating a program of exercises for six pack abs, always remember these three key principles: EAT RIGHT, WORK HARD, and BE CONSISTENT.

Six Pack Abs Guide Principle #1: EAT RIGHT!

Begin with the most fundamental principle to healthy living — eating right. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the three essential macronutrients that your body needs to function.

Studies on proper nutrition state that the medical recommendation for a well-balanced diet is 40/40/20. This means you need to make sure eighty percent of what you eat is loaded with carbohydrates and protein and only twenty percent is made up of fat.

Vitamins, minerals, and water are just as important. If you want a totally ripped physique like those athletes you root for, you need to load up on carbs, proteins, and fats from fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and nuts.  When you start eating healthy, everything else will follow suit…Check out to get you started.

Six Pack Abs Guide Principle #2: WORK HARD!

You’ve done your homework. You have countless materials and resources on how to get six pack abs fast. But knowing, as they say, is only half the battle.

Your midsection already has muscles that are waiting to be stimulated by exercise. Put what you’ve learned to use by WORKING at it continuously. Set aside a few minutes a day, three to four times a week for your workout.

What do I think are the best exercises for six pack abs, you ask?  Full-body workouts that include: squats, shoulder presses, pull-ups and abs-specific exercises, such as: leg raises, knee raises, hip thrusts, and bench.

Six Pack Abs Guide Principle #3: BE CONSISTENT!

Never stop learning and, more importantly, never stop MOVING. Consistency is just as vital as the first two principles in obtaining the six pack you’ve always wanted.

Eating right or working hard shouldn’t be an on-and-off button you can switch whichever way you want anytime you feel like it. If you want to KEEP those six pack abs, then you better maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Tired of making excuses all the time? I say NOW is the time for a cool change. Commit to your six pack abs guide and start your journey toward a sexier, new you.

Is there a 4th principle for an effective six pack abs you know of? Leave your insights below.

Top 10 Ways to Get Six Pack Abs

If you want to get six pack abs, you will need to address three very important aspects of your life – your diet, the amount of time and effort you put into your exercise regimen (which means you need to START one if you haven’t already), and your over-all lifestyle.

Here’s a list of top 10 things you can do to improve on your daily habits. You can start with whichever one you like, but it’s important that you incorporate ALL of them into your fitness program.

1. Low-fat diet. Eating meals with minimal fat content is probably one of the most effective ways to get six pack abs. Let me make myself clear – fat isn’t the enemy. It’s the ridiculously big amounts and unhealthy types of fat you eat that are keeping you from the body you deserve.

2. High-protein meals after workouts. After hitting the tracks or doing multiple sets of abdominal resistance training, your muscles actually begin to crave for nourishment. Eating a healthy meal infused with a good portion of protein right after you work out will do great things for your muscles.

3. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water; doctors and nutrition experts can’t stress that enough.

4. Reduce alcohol intake. Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in large amounts can only set you back. If you want to get and maintain no nonsense 6 pack abs, try to avoid alcohol at all cost. It’s like drinking sugar but worst since it has almost TWICE the calories…OUCH!

5. Reduce but do not eliminate carbs. I’m talking about refined carbs and starchy foods here. Get your fiber and carbs from whole grains and vegetables instead.

6. Say NO to junk food. Even those that claim to have vitamins and minerals aren’t really sufficient sources of nutrition anyway, so why even bother? Opt for fresh vegetable sticks, nuts, and berries when you snack – they’re tasty, healthy, and quite filling.

7. Keep active. Select a favorite physical activity, like running or swimming, and do it 3-4 times a week. That will keep the rest of your body in shape while you get six pack abs.

8. Do other forms of cardio and aerobic exercises. Complete body workouts, such as boxing, yoga, martial arts, and dance, will get your blood pumping and muscles taut.

9. Targeted abs exercises. This is the icing on the cake. Doing total body exercises and ab-specific workouts interchangeably will tone that midsection at a much faster rate. Perform curl-ups, sit-ups, and leg-raises every other day, in between your cardio workouts, and you’ll see results in just weeks.

10. Get enough sleep. After busting your behind on tedious exercises and every-day activities, your body will need to recharge for the next day. Adults are required to get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you get any less, you might not be able to perform physical and mental tasks well, so make sure you get ample rest each night.

In summary, these 10 fundamental steps will certainly help you improve the way you eat, increase physical activity, and live healthier in general. As a result of your hard work and determination, you will get six pack abs in no time.

First Step to Develop Six Pack Abs – Measure Body Fat

Measuring your body fat percentage can be the first BIG step you take to develop six pack abs. Combined with proper nutrition, limitless resources for core-targeting exercises, and massive support from family and peers…there’s really no stopping you.

Math isn’t my most favorite subject in the world, and I’m sure most of you feel the same way. But knowing what your body fat percentage is will give you an idea how you can go about your workout for 6 pack abs.

Don’t Let Excess Body Fat Hold You Back!

The best way to get six pack abs is to primarily get rid of excess fat in your body. By doing so, you can eventually concentrate on building muscle in your abdominal area while strengthening your core.

Do you notice how heavier-set individuals need to exert more effort and expel more energy when they workout for 6 pack abs? Imagine lifting a 40-lb. bag up a flight of stairs. Don’t you think it would be easier and WAY FASTER for you to reach the top without any extra baggage?

Getting rid of excess fat will get you to your goal faster; you can quickly develop six pack abs once you get your body fat percentage to a minimum.

The Ideal Body Fat Percentage

Lowering your body fat percentage will definitely give you the boost you need to achieve the body of your dreams. Keep in mind though that there’s a big difference between being simply skinny and physically fit.

Our aim is for you to be the latter.

The ideal male body fat percentage is at 7-11%. For women, it’s a little higher; achieving body fat percentage in the 16-19% range can be quite beneficial if you’re serious about getting those rock hard abs.

Remember: these figures aren’t carved in stone. This is just to give you an idea of what your body fat percentage SHOULD be. If yours is way higher, then you really have to step it up to develop six pack abs.

Measure Your Body Fat Percentage in 3 Ways

In his eBook, “Truth About Abs,” Mike Geary talks about 3 simple techniques of measuring your body fat percentage. Feel free to use any of the following methods:

  • Skinfold Caliper Method. If you consult a fitness specialist, they can easily measure your body fat percentage with the use of calipers.
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Method. These body fat scales make use of minute electric pulses to measure body hydration levels, zero-fat body mass, and, more importantly, the percentage of body fat. This method is quite convenient because you can buy your own portable measuring device at the local pharmacy. Some pedometers, for example, have this added feature.
  • Girth Measurement Method. By measuring the circumference of key points in your body, fitness trainers and gym personnel can provide you with a good estimate of your body fat percentage.

Another more simple way to determine your approximate body fat percentage is to use our body fat calculator.

Whichever method you choose, you will definitely get a clear idea of what your body fat percentage is. In doing so, you can start to burn those unwanted love handles and ultimately develop six pack abs.

How has an awareness of your body fat percentage help your six pack abs goal? Add your insights below.

I Want Six Pack Abs – What Does It Really Take?

A friend of mine once told me, “I want six pack abs just like yours.” I felt elated, I tell you; it was a boost to my ego like nothing else. But, truth be told, I still think I have a long way to go before achieving THE six pack I’ve wanted for years.

I have to stress that I’ve been working really hard since day one. When I say “work,” I mean going through constant six pack abs training and following a strict diet. Sounds hard core, I know.

But having someone compliment you on how good you look is totally worth all that. I want six pack abs and I’m actually doing something about it. It’s easy to want things, but you have to be proactive to attain them.

A six pack is probably one of the best gifts you can give yourself. If you love yourself and want to look good SHIRTLESS (anyone with washboard abs can pull it off, admit it), you need to work really hard at it.

Good Carbs, Good Protein, Good Fats

You can think “I want six pack abs” all you want. But if you continue to chow down on junk food and simple sugars, you’re just setting yourself up for failure.

Your diet for six pack abs will greatly affect the level at which you workout. Therefore, you must eat only good carbohydrates (whole grains and green leafy vegetables), good proteins (lean meats, tofu, and yogurt), and good fats (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, and fish rich in Omega-3). By doing so, your body can perform at its optimum level.

Always remember that a healthy diet begins the moment you buy your groceries, and ends when your body has used up all the nutrients. So, the next time you tell yourself, “I want six pack abs,” you better be SHOPPING HEALTHY and EATING HEALTHY.

Work Your Way to A Healthier, Leaner “You”

Naturally, after discussing the right diet, we move on to six pack abs training. Eating healthy food makes up only one part. Using up that energy to burn fat and build muscle is another.

A highly effective workout routine will require nothing more than your desire for a fit body, determination to follow through, and an adequate understanding of orthodox exercises. Free weights and dumbbells are the two most common tools you can use when you exercise. Utilize these tools and you’ll never have to say “I want six pack abs” ever again. Soon enough, you will have them.

For me, the best exercise for six pack abs is a combination of many techniques. Confining yourself to just one kind of exercise is boring and ineffective. Try mixing it up; do a combination of cardio, bodyweight, free weights, core, and strength training. Do this regularly and you’ll see results in no time at all.

When I said, “I want six pack abs,” I knew I meant it. So should you.

Ripped midsections aren’t impossible to achieve if you truly put your mind and body in to it. The best (and healthiest) approach is to have a well-balanced diet and intense six pack abs training.

Six pack abs is all about learning the facts and using them to your advantage…Find a workout routine that best suits you.

Which six pack abs strategies are working well for you? Share them by commenting below.

How to Build Ripped Abs without Leaving Your Home

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to build ripped abs without having to go to the gym? You can definitely get the body of your dreams even as you work out in the comfort of your home. All you need is time, effort, and dedication to do stick to your program. By using common house tools, you’ll be working your abs in no time.

Top 5 reminders before you start to build ripped abs:

  1. Stretch. Doing this can help loosen up your muscles before you engage in more strenuous activities.
  2. Don’t over do it. If you’re a beginner, start with smaller weights and gradually increase as you progress so you don’t hurt yourself.
  3. Drink lots of water. Drinking water is one way to replenish lost liquids in your body when you are doing your daily routine.
  4. No meals right before the routine. Eating a heavy meal right before your abs routine might cause stomach discomfort.
  5. Eat right. Eating healthy foods to build ripped abs is the best way to go.

Simple tools you can find around the house:

  • Bucket
  • Rope
  • Sand or stones
  • Piece of cloth
  • Pole
  • Pulley
  • Lawn chair

Aside from doing regular crunches and sit ups, you can do the following to incorporate variety and intensity in your work out at home:

  • Fill the bucket with sand or stones
  • Tie the rope to the bucket’s handle and attach it to a piece of cloth
  • Use the cloth to strap your feet into
  • Hang the bucket on the pole with the pulley on it. So, pulling on the rope will make it go up and giving it slack will make it goes down
  • Lie down on the lawn chair so your back is parallel to the ground

Perform at least 15-30 pulls a day for beginners and 50 or more for professionals. If you feel that the weights are not enough then that’s the time you add more. Always remember to rest in between sets. Performing this regularly and increasing the resistance every so often will surely help you build ripped abs.

What other creative ways have you done to build ripped abs? Share your strategies below.