The Best Exercise for Lower Abdominals

What is the best exercise for lower abdominals? I’ll tell you right now, the secret doesn’t lie on the “what.” Instead, you should be asking yourself this: “HOW can I maximize my lower abdominals workoutso I could get six pack abs fast?”

The physical fitness industry rakes in so much money, it’s not even funny. Why? Because people like you and me will do almost anything we can to look good, and that includes spending money on gym memberships, dietary supplements, workout tools, and exercise equipment.

You’ve probably been so focused on your midsection that you’ve neglected other parts of your body. Any successful fitness goal – whether it’s building upper arm muscles or, in this case, toning the abdominal muscles – requires you to work your WHOLE body. That’s why some abdominal workout equipments don’t give the best results when used alone.

A complete fitness plan cannot only involve the best exercise for lower abdominals. To ensure well-rounded progress, you need to integrate all three aspects:

1. Low-fat diet;

2. Regular cardiovascular exercise; and

3. Core-specific exercises.

The way you eat will always affect the way you look and feel. If you exercise but eat fatty foods and neglect the essential nutrients your body needs to build muscle, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. This is why a low-fat, healthy diet is very important.

Eliminate or at least limit your intake of unnecessary carbs and fats. Instead, pack your diet with vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. Stop obsessing about the best exercise for lower abdominals for a second and think about eating frequent yet small and healthy meals.

It is a fact that following a low-fat, low-carb diet alone is also not enough. You need to work out 3 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour for you to increase your metabolic rate and, ultimately, build muscle.

Cardiovascular workouts, such as jogging and swimming, are vital to a complete fitness plan. I, myself, pop in a fitness video and workout from home if the weather isn’t ideal. You can easily do the same.

After considering your diet and your cardio workout, you are now ready to put those abdominal muscles to work. What then is the best exercise for lower abdominals?

Leg raises have been tried and tested by people from all walks of life. It’s very simple to do AND you can get so much out of it; it’s unbelievable.

All you need to do is lie flat on the floor, place your hands on each side, and raise both legs gradually until you reach a 45 degree angle. Then, lower your legs back down to your original position. Remember to tighten your abdominal muscles all through out the exercise.

To add a little variation, you can either push upward with your hips when your legs are completely perpendicular to the floor, or grip a ball in between your shins as you perform those raises.

Remember these 3 steps – diet, cardio, and the best exercise for lower abdominals – and you will surely get a solid fitness plan that WORKS.

Exercise Tips – Abs (Not) to Die For

One of the biggest exercise tips abs exercises is this: Exercise is just one facet of any fitness program. Diet plays just as important a role as any exercise regimen.

Using the two together, you’ll make twice the progress.

Exercise tips abs will definitely improve your muscle tone, but to really make a difference you need more. Exercise needs fuel to burn and to develop muscle mass. Before you begin exercising, make sure that you’ve got a workout and a diet plan in place. Exercise is an important component, but real results require a healthy diet and cardio workout, as well.

You may be on some kind of diet anyway, but it may not be the right kind for serious exercise. Protein is requisite for building muscle mass. To make sure that you get lean muscles, you should follow strict exercise tips abs by reducing fats and sugars, and consuming a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

For a lot of people, this can be a big change from their normal eating routines. For others, such as vegetarians, it may be de rigour. If you eat out a lot, you probably eat a lot of stuff that’s got more fats, sugars, and calories than anything that you prepare for yourself.

Gourmet French cuisine may be a joy, but it may not be the best idea for improving your abs. Try sushi, or a vegetarian restaurant. Both of these routinely have less fat and calories, while still maintaining proper protein levels.

When executing exercise tips abs, safety should always come first.

Get an exercise mat, or use a carpeted floor. Make sure that your room’s temperature is comfortable, and make sure that you stay well hydrated.

Burning or tingling can be signs of overworking your muscles, which can lead to injuries and strains. If you feel any burning or tingling after exercising, perform less repetitions at one time.

Start off slow and work your way up as you become ready. Exercising once every other day is a good starting point. Start with only 5-10 repetitions of each exercise and take a short rest between exercises. When you feel ready, try increasing up to 3 sets of 20 repetitions, and don’t forget to pause between them.

The best exercise tips abs don’t require any pricey equipment. A study at San Diego State University put 13 abdominal exercises against each other to find out which ones were the best, scientifically. Some of the top performers can be done in your own home easily.

  • Weighted Sit Ups
  • Ball Crunches
  • Full Body Crunches
  • Bicycles

Exercise on a regular schedule, and follow these exercise tips, and great abs will soon follow. Proper development takes time, but you will feel a difference quickly. The longer you practice your regimen, the longer you will keep the results.

If you follow these exercise tips abs, your dreams will become a waking reality.

The Flat Stomach Workout – The Bicycle Exercise

If you want to achieve a leaner and toner abs, you should have a regular flat stomach workout. The best and fastest way to get that flat stomach and target the three main abdominal muscles is by doing the bicycle exercise. What is the bicycle exercise anyway? It is a simple exercise done by lying down on your back while imitating the movements of cycling.

Grab your exercising mat and lay it down on the floor. Now lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, and slightly bend your knees while lifting them towards your chest. This is the starting position. Now, lift your shoulders off the floor using your abdominal muscles and straighten your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn your body towards the left, making sure that your right elbow touches your bent left knee.

Now, switch sides, do the same cycle on your right, making sure that your left elbow touches your right bent knee, your left leg should be straightened this time. Alternate the movements simultaneously and you’ll notice that you’re doing a cycling motion. Do you feel the abdominals muscles working? You should feel the burn on your upper abs, lower abs, and side obliques while doing this flat stomach workout.

What other flat stomach exercises can you share? Let us know by entering your comments below.

3 Steps on How to Get a Flat Stomach in Days

Who wouldn’t want to get a flat stomach in days? My friends, relatives, and even complete strangers come up to me on a daily basis and express their frustrations about their flabby midsection. Believe me when I say, “I know exactly what you mean.”

I’ll tell you right now that it CAN be done if you’re already pretty close (i.e. have a lower than average body fat%) Hard work and discipline is the key. The thing is you have to truly believe in something before it can happen.

A very wise colleague of mine once told me, “Don’t give up, especially before you even begin,” and he is so right. A flat stomach in days is doable…if you put your mind to it. Following a set of simple, straight-forward guidelines you can very well attain that flat stomach in 30 days or less.

1.  Have a GREAT diet


2. Do lots of fat-burning exercises.


3. Build your muscle.

Having good fats in your diet is necessary, but an excess of unhealthy fats is just downright nasty. Be mindful of what you eat because ultimately, everything you digest translates to how you feel, how your body performs, and, obviously, how you look.

Creating and sticking to a healthy diet plan will require a little getting used to. If you really want that flat stomach, you will need to turn your diet around drastically, especially if you’ve been so used to eating fast food, highly processed junk food, and the like.

The benefits of a great eating strategy are endless. Aside from getting a leaner physique, your health will improve vastly. That only means you can live a happier, longer life.

For you to get a flat stomach in days, start with a well-balanced diet in your next meal and thereafter. Include a lot of whole grains, lean proteins, and just a small portion of good fat.

Here’s a list of good, healthy options for food:

  • Beans
  • Egg whites
  • Green, leafy veggies
  • Salmon
  • Lean chicken breast
  • almonds (healthy fats)
  • walnuts (healthy fats)

Here are food and beverage items you must scrap out of your diet completely:

  • Alcohol
  • Fried Food
  • White Bread/Rice
  • Sweets
  • Soda & fruit juices

While carrying out a healthy diet plan, you must also stick to an intense fat-burning workout plan. Doing a variety of physical activities, such as sprinting, interval training and swimming, will get your blood pumping, muscles roaring and fat melting.

The last important step is to perform full-body, muscle building workouts 3-4 times a week. Muscle helps speed up your metabolism and is crucial if you’re going to achieve your aggressive goal.

Simply follow these steps so you can get a flat stomach in days. After a month-long battle with flab, you’ll definitely want to keep at it because good results can only motivate you to do even better.

“Make My Stomach Flat!” – 3 Best Exercises

Have you ever felt frustrated with all the gadgets, diets, pills and exercise programs out there -promising you a flat stomach? With all of the scams, FDA recalls, etc., you’re probably wondering: how can I safely make my stomach flat fast?

Just think about all the reasons you want a flat stomach.  Maybe it’s to feel sexy, hot and attractive, youthful and energetic. Maybe it’s to be able to fit into your favorite skinny jeans or look good on the beach. Maybe you just want to be fit and healthy.

Whatever your reason, you’ve probably heard that diet and exercise top the list if you’re serious about getting a flat stomach.

But is that really all there is to it?

You probably already know that getting a flat stomach takes hard work, a great eating and smart exercise strategy, but…

In this short article, you’re going to learn the three missing tips from most “make my stomach flat” advice that will help you get a flat stomach even faster…

#1: “Make MY Stomach Flat, Not One Size Fits All!”

When you turn on the TV, browse the Internet or look in a magazine, you see hot bodies everywhere. And if you’re like most of us, you then compare your body to theirs and get tricked into feeling like taking their pill or using their complicated gadget will give you the bodies you see flaunted in your face…what a set up!

The truth is that it’s unfair to compare yourself to other people because we’re all different. We all have different genes, different levels of metabolism, and different physical responses to exercise. That’s why it’s very important to look for the programs that help you to customize an eating and exercise strategy for your body type…And help you find out what your body type is.

This will ensure that your time and effort give you the best results for your body type- not the fitness model on the screen! Stay away from “one size fits all” programs.

#2:  Diet and Exercise Are Not the Most Important Factor

Don’t get me wrong, obviously, diet (eating strategy) and exercise are absolutely required to any successful “make my stomach flat” goal.

The problem is that knowing this will not give you results. Everyone knows this but we still have an obesity epidemic.

I know you’re thinking, “what’s more important than diet and exercise to help me make my stomach flat?”

FACT: Like with any goal, you have to activate your mind and even more importantly your emotions toward your goal. Otherwise, it’s a failure waiting to happen.

To do this, come up with a specific goal that you can measure. For example: lose 2 inches off my waist, lower my body fat by 1%, etc.

Note: generic, immeasurable goals like: “I want to have a flatter stomach” won’t work. What’s “flatter”? How do you measure “flatter”?

Don’t wait come up with your goal. Do this now before you forget!

Now, when can you realistically meet you goal (e.g. “lose 10 inches off my waist in 2 days” is not realistic)

You still with me? Great!

Now that you got the mental piece, the specific, measureable, realistic, goal with a deadline, it’s time to fire up your emotions.

You ever notice how your emotions can override anything you mentally want? Well, let’s use this to your advantage!

Use as much emotion as possible here. This will help fuel you when the hard work seems too much.

Having intense positive emotion driving your efforts ensures that you’ll stick with the program…and get results!

#3: Don’t Try to Make Drastic Changes

Since you’ve made it clear down here, I’ll assume you’re really motivated to make your stomach flat. So, I wanted to give you one more tip most people won’t tell you.

Getting a flat stomach is simple but not easy. And if you’re like most “make my stomach flat” seekers, you start off energized and fired up. You start of doing everything right. But, for most people, it doesn’t last long.

I want you to succeed. So here’s a trick: start off slowly!

Instead of attempting to do everything right (and then falling off with no result), just do one or two things right. And every week, slowly add more things.

For example:

  • Week 1: Cut out soda
  • Week 2: Do a few body squats , drink more water

Pretty soon, these small steps will add up to big steps without overwhelming yourself.

Give it a try.

When I decided I wanted to make my stomach flat, I knew it would require me to work really hard. But like anything you work hard for, the payoff is really worthwhile. So keep these missing tips in mind and start eating right and working out today!

Do you have your own flat stomach technique? Share it by leaving your tips below.