3 Important Guidelines on How to Get Abs Fast

Do you want to know how to get abs? There are so many formulas and fitness programs full of empty promises out in the market today that it’s very hard to tell which ones really work. Knowing the three most valuable components of a successful fitness plan, however, can spare you from having to deal with these so-called six pack secrets.

Here’s the thing. There are hardly any secrets when it comes to building six pack abs. Everything you need to know is just one click away, thanks to the wonders of technology. The tricky part is knowing where to look.

At first, I wasn’t sure how to get abs on my own; it took me a long time to adapt to a system that worked for ME personally. With a little trial-and-error and a whole lot of research, I soon discovered what really did work. The good news is that you’ll find out by the time you’re done reading this piece.

You can put your wallet away because you won’t need it, that’s for sure. Customized diet packages, high-tech equipment, and miracle supplements are not required. Aren’t you relieved to hear that?

However, you will need to tweak your lifestyle a bit. Easier said than done, I know, but with a positive attitude, some dedication, and determination, it can be done.

You do want to understand how to get abs fast, I get that. But diet and plain exercise alone aren’t going to be enough I’m afraid. Consider ALL three aspects and you might just be surprised how fast you can build abdominal muscles:

1. Committing to a healthy diet. Meals that are low-fat, high-protein, and packed with vitamins and other nutrients will allow your body to function at its peak. If you have a high body fat percentage, it would really be advisable to lessen your intake of fatty foods. Instead, load up on healthier food options like the following:

  • Tofu
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Low-fat yogurt

If you stick to a balanced, low-fat diet, you will be this much closer to getting six pack abs.

2. Creating a general exercise strategy. When planning your exercise strategy around how to get abs, you must consider three aspects – where, when, and how you work out. It is important to choose an environment that is most advantageous for you.

If you feel that doing cardio with other people motivates you more, then you can easily join your local gym or sign up for a fitness class at your community center. If you’re the shy type, working out in the privacy of your own home can be just as effective.

As far as time goes, it really depends what time of day you feel you’re at your most productive state. Some prefer exercising before going to work, some would do it right after. The most important thing is that you work out at a consistent time.

3. Performing exercises that target your abs. The last aspect on how to get abs consists of targeted abdominal exercises. Doing crunches, sit ups, and bicycles regularly will get that midsection toned and ripped in no time.

So commit to your diet, get comfortable with your general exercise strategy, and be consistent with your ab exercises beginning today. It won’t be long before you start to feel good and LOOK GOOD.

Are there other ways you can think of to get abs fast? Share them through your comments below.

How to Perform Flat Stomach Exercises Not Abs

Alot of people focus on exercises for their abs to get a flat stomach. But did you know that the key to your toned tummy might be in exercising your transverse muscles?

The transverse muscles are the most overlooked group of abdominal muscles. While plenty of exercises focus on the upper and lower abs, the transverse muscles are actually very powerful. If you want flat stomach exercises not abs, then try working on the transverse muscles.

These muscles lie at the deepest level of your abdominal muscles. They act like a girdle to hold and support your entire midsection. The transverse muscles lie horizontally to keep your organs in place and put pressure on your abdomen.

They also connect with your back muscles. They help keep your “core” together. The right kind of flat stomach exercises not abs will focus on these transverse muscles.

If you want a flat stomach, focus on your transverse muscles. Throughout the day, holding your stomach muscles in will work these muscles naturally. You can also do specific flat stomach exercises not abs that will work out these muscles even more.

Here are some great exercises to get your transverse muscles toned:

The Stomach Squeeze

Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent.
Place your hands on your lower stomach, on either side of your belly button. Press two fingers from each hand on your abdomen.
Gently begin to draw your lower abdomen down towards the floor. Try not to suck in your stomach, but use your muscles to contract.
As soon as you feel your stomach muscles getting tight, stop the motion. The muscles underneath your stomach should feel taut.
Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, and breath normally the entire time. Release the squeeze and do 10 repetitions.

Scissor Kicks

Start by lying on the floor, with your hands under your bottom and your back pressed against the floor.
Raise one leg about 10 inches off of the ground and slowly lower it back down. As you lower one leg, raise the other.
Do three sets of 10 repetitions.

Pelvic Tilts

Begin by lying on the floor with your back pressed against the floor.
Bend your knees keeping your feet on the ground.
Slowly lift your pelvis up and hold for the count of 5 before lowering slowly back down to the ground. Your upper body should remain totally on the floor.
Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

Complete these flat stomach exercises not abs every other day and increase your reps as your strength increases.

3 Steps to Getting Six Pack Abs for Women

Women from all walks of life are reminded every single day about their physical imperfections. It does seem like six pack abs for womenare unattainable unless you’re a supermodel or hot Hollywood actress. But the truth is, even the most average Jane can get sexy abs.

Just like men, women have struggled for years to lose weight and define their midsection. Unlike men, however, women are required to exert a little more effort to build muscle. Even though women need to push a little further than their male counterparts, it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Don’t be discouraged by all the pessimism going around. You may not be a hot rising star or the new cover girl for a magazine, but six pack abs for women ARE attainable — that’s the most important thing you need to know.

You also need to know HOW you can achieve a great body. Setting these three central and realistic goals will help you get your fitness program in gear:

  1. Get rid of belly fat;
  2. Build a cardiovascular workout routine; and
  3. Zero-in on those abs!

Dieting has had a perceived negative connotation, especially for women. When in fact, all it requires is regularly eating (take note: not STARVING) the right kinds of food. Forget about fad diets, artificial food supplements, and extreme “zone” regimens for a second, and concentrate on getting the essential macronutrients by eating well-balanced meals.

This is the first step to getting six pack abs for women.

The female anatomy is designed to store more fat in preparation for childbirth and rearing, but don’t let that get in the way of your goal. If you’ve been used to eating on the go (e.g. fast food and take-out), it is high time you re-evaluate your eating habits. Changing the way you eat and what you eat can improve your metabolism considerably.

A little planning and a whole lot of determination can go a long way when it comes to your diet. By eating small, balanced meals frequently, you allow your body to stay nourished and “full” so you don’t over-eat at any given time. Sticking to lean proteins, a small amount of healthy fats, and whole grains is ideal.

The next step to getting six pack abs for women is a well-rounded cardiovascular routine. Regularly performing a variety of fun, blood-pumping exercises, such as aerobics classes, jogging, and swimming will help condition your WHOLE body.

These holistic exercises will also prepare your abdominal muscles for your next and final goal – abs training and sculpting.

Really getting in there with regular crunches, sit ups, or other ab-specific exercises will help define and sculpt your obliques, and lower and upper abdominals. Increasing your reps and frequency is crucial in developing six pack abs fast.

If you really think about, getting six pack abs for women isn’t complicated at all. Six pack abs don’t discriminate, and so shouldn’t you. Get right on your fitness program and start working on those abs today!

Women Abs – The 3 Things You Need to Know!

Why don’t women absrespond instantly to exercise? Go to a gym and you will see women with well defined, sexy abs. But how did they get them? And why isn’t exercise enough?

Well, three primary things go into developing your abs:

  1. Diet Plan
  2. Exercise Program
  3. Genetics

Diet is often the thing most lacking. Exercise plays a large role as well. The rest, sadly, is genetics.

Whatever kind of diet you are on, including none, can probably be improved. If you want to see those abs that you’re developing, you will have to strip away your layer of abdominal fat first.

To build muscle and strip fat, your diet needs two things: high protein, and low fat. To keep everything going smoothly, you will need the right amount of carbs, and try not to get too much sugar.

Fast eating can be a big problem. Eating too fast results in often eating too much. Try eating with a light distraction, such as some soft music, to help you to relax and enjoy your food.

Your brain won’t tell you that you are full until 15 to 20 minutes after you start eating. Slow down and chew your food longer. Your digestion will be better, and you will feel more full, on less food.

Cook at home? Try taking your portion – before – you dress or sauce it. Put the fatty stuff, such as gravy, on the side. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be mixed into every meal. You and your culinary cohorts will be on the right track to fitness and health.

Motivation is a powerful tool. If you have a problem visualizing those sleek women abs, or refraining from those rich deserts, you may need something more concrete.

Carry a picture of what you consider the perfect abs. You can put copies where you need them most, such as the exercise area or the kitchen. They will help to remind you what all the dedication is about.

Double check your exercise program with an expert. A short run through with a local trainer can make a world of difference. Find out if you are working all of the areas you need to, and how to work what you’re not.

And now, the genetics. Was your mother athletic? How did she look at your age? With a regular exercise plan, you probably look more in shape than she did.

There is the possibility that buff women abs don’t run in your family. You may have to work like an athlete to look like an athlete. This often involves changing your whole lifestyle to accommodate the stringent requirements.

This may be more than you’re willing to commit to. But, even if it is, exercise and diet will provide you with a leaner, toned look.

By changing your lifestyle, starting with a different outlook about food, and a regular exercise routine, you are already on your way to great women abs.

Toning Stomach Muscles

If you are working on toning stomach muscles, here are a few things to think about.

  1. Not everyone is born with the same set of abdominal muscles.
  2. Toning muscles involves stretching as well as exercising.
  3. Swimming is the best single exercise for toning stomach muscles.
  4. It is easy to strain your back doing abdominal exercises

Abdominal Muscles:

That’s right. Some of us simply don’t have a pyramidalis muscle. This means that no matter how hard you go for the washboard effect, you will not have the same number of bulges. You’ll get the six pack, but not the 8 pack.

Why are abdominal muscles different in some people? Doctors simply do not know. Consider that this will not just influence the all over number of toned muscles, but the lack of a pyramidalis will influence your ability to strengthen lower abdominals, as well.


Building exercises and toning exercises are not exactly the same thing. While you won’t get toned stomach muscles without a workout that isolates this muscle group, you won’t get the tone without doing a lot of stretching, as well.

People often neglect this as part of a routine. These are some of the easiest and most rewarding exercises to do. They are great for warm ups. As any athlete or aerobics instructor will tell you, they keep you from straining. Arm stretches, leg stretches, bending and twisting are all good ways to limber up before you hit the weights or machines.

A little Yoga added to your routine, with its exaggerated movements, can save hours of discomfort with torn or strained muscles, later.


The best addition to any routine that has focus on toning muscles is swimming. It is not only an all over good workout, with fantastic cardiovascular benefits, but it stretches and works those stomach muscles like no stationary exercise can. Almost every muscle in the body is used in swimming.

If you think it isn’t what you want or you don’t have time to add it to your routine, just look at those professional swimmers’ bodies. They all have long, lean torsos, with well defined abdominals and v shaped bodies. They got those bodies by swimming!

Not only is swimming really good for you, it won’t hurt you. Swimming is considered passive exercise. That means less strain on muscles and organs.

Risk of Injury:

Most crunches can be brutal on your back muscles, so don’t add more than 2 additional repetitions to your current routine at one time. That is repetitions and not sets. When you add a new set to your abs routine, do it by adding 2 reps until you fill it out.

If your back hurts, use a brace, or switch to just ball exercises. You don’t have to stop completely, just modify. Check to see that you are doing your exercises correctly, as this can lead to strain faster than anything.

A little common sense and effort will keep you toning stomach muscles till they look great. Just keep these 4 important things in mind.