Workouts For A Flat Stomach

If you’ve been looking at workouts for a flat stomach, you know that there are a lot of them. Not all are sensible or even possible for many people just starting an abs exercise routine. If you are having problems figuring out where to start, here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Your general health – age, weight, overall health
  • Injuries or conditions – back problems, fatigue, or pregnancy
  • Where you can exercise and the time available

Don’t know where to begin? Try making an appointment at a gym. Most larger gyms want to give you a tour with their sales pitch, and that will include a discussion with a trainer. Ask questions specific to your situation.

  1. What can I do safely, with my back condition?
  2. What is a good beginning program?
  3. How late or early do you open?

If they offer a free trial, take it. It will get you started, with enough instruction to make sure you do your exercises properly, without strain. Most gyms offer equipment that you don’t have at home.

Try it out to see if it’s comfortable for you. You may decide to stay with it for awhile, or discover that you can do this all at home and save yourself both time and money.

If you are pregnant, or have other health conditions, many hospitals and therapy facilities offer programs specifically for you. Ask your doctor, therapist, or fitness professional to see what’s available in your area.

There is also the question of active versus passive exercise to consider.

Most active programs include weights, crunches, bicycles and curls, which can be hard on your back. Passive exercise includes, isometrics, yoga, stretching, swimming and water exercises. These are all less straining on other parts of your body, but can take longer to perform.

Time can be a factor, if you’re on an offbeat schedule. However, most larger cities now have late hours or 24 hour gyms that you can use. The benefit of going later or very early is that you never have to wait to use something. The drawback is not all gyms that are open around the clock offer group exercise during their off hours.

Sorting through exercise programs becomes a little easier, after you figured out what you are capable of doing. Once you have gotten started on a program, let your intuition take over. It won’t take much to realize you are overdoing it. Soreness is alright, but pain is a sure indicator that you need modification of your program. Cut back and try something less strenuous.

Remember to eat healthy, and drink lots of fluids along with those workouts for a flat stomach. You’ll get faster results and feel better while your are getting it. Good hunting.

Fast Flat Abs Easy

When you’re trying to get fast flat abs there are a few important things you can do to get started. All of them will help increase the burn, so you can expose those sexy tummy muscles, while you’re toning them.

1. If you want it fast, you will have to heat it up. That means metabolism. A number of natural foods will kick start your system into burning food faster, and more efficiently.

Some of these foods are:

  • garlic
  • asparagus
  • romaine lettuce
  • apples
  • berries
  • soy
  • sunflower oil

All of these either help your body reject fat, or eliminate toxins, while they stimulate your metabolism.

Garlic is great for the immune system. It helps to cleanse your organs and tissues. Asparagus and romaine lettuce will help you eliminate extra water from your system, which prevents bloating.

Apples and berries are high in pectin, which hinders retention of fat by the body. Soy is a leaner protein than meat, and even more nutritious.

Sunflower oil is lighter than olive or corn oils, and more easily digestible.

Foods to avoid:

  • fats
  • sugar
  • starch

Foods that are fatty include:

  • nuts
  • meat
  • olives
  • snack foods
  • fried foods
  • butter, cheese and non-skim milk

Watch out for hidden sugar and starch in energy bars and prepared foods, like instant side dishes. Changing your diet a little can cut months off your exercise program, and give you fast flat abs.

2. Temperature is important. Not the room temperature; your body temperature. Getting rid of stored fat in the body is like trying to cook it out of your food. It’s nicer not to have it at all; but once it’s there, you have got to heat it to make it go away. This means isolating the abdominal section of the body, and dressing it warmer.

They make exercise clothing just for this, usually made of a lightweight foam-like composite material. You wear it underneath your sweatshirt while you exercise. If you have something that will work already, save the money. Once you’ve trimmed that abdominal section, you won’t be needing it anymore.

Exercise clothes won’t make you look slim in the gym, but they will speed up that burn.

3. Don’t think that exercise is just for workout time. Increase your activity level all week long.

You may not know it, but there are tons of ways to exercise during your normal day.

Activities that you can do during your day include:

  • Power walk around the mall while you shop – alone or with a friend.
  • Park farther from your destination on purpose. Those few extra minutes of walking can really add up!
  • Take the dog, or the kids, to the park for an extra hour on Saturday.
  • When you have a little extra time, walk to the store, rather than driving.

With the right knowledge and a good attitude, you can begin to see results much faster than with exercise alone.

Anything else you might add? Feel free to do so by sharing below.

The Flat Stomach Workout – The Bicycle Exercise

If you want to achieve a leaner and toner abs, you should have a regular flat stomach workout. The best and fastest way to get that flat stomach and target the three main abdominal muscles is by doing the bicycle exercise. What is the bicycle exercise anyway? It is a simple exercise done by lying down on your back while imitating the movements of cycling.

Grab your exercising mat and lay it down on the floor. Now lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, and slightly bend your knees while lifting them towards your chest. This is the starting position. Now, lift your shoulders off the floor using your abdominal muscles and straighten your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn your body towards the left, making sure that your right elbow touches your bent left knee.

Now, switch sides, do the same cycle on your right, making sure that your left elbow touches your right bent knee, your left leg should be straightened this time. Alternate the movements simultaneously and you’ll notice that you’re doing a cycling motion. Do you feel the abdominals muscles working? You should feel the burn on your upper abs, lower abs, and side obliques while doing this flat stomach workout.

What other flat stomach exercises can you share? Let us know by entering your comments below.

Get a Six Pack – 3 Tips For A Flat Stomach

We have collected and summarized three essential tips for a flat stomach, which we believe are the key factors in achieving those six packs you’re dreaming of. By strictly following these guidelines, you will be able to get the results faster than you think.

The first thing you have to watch out for in flattening your stomach is your daily diet, this is, after all, the main cause of fat build up in our bodies. If you are used to eating junk foods, it’s time for you to change all that. By eating five to six smaller proportioned healthy meals each day, you are encouraging an increase in your metabolism. When your metabolism is increased, your body is automatically programmed to burn more calories, even the stubborn fat deposits from your belly. Heed these tips for a flat stomach and you’ll get a six pack in no time.

The tips for a flat stomach also include undergoing daily cardio exercises as your fat burning workout routine. Let me tell you this, we all have six packs. The only reason why we can’t see them is because they are covered with thick layers of fat. When we eliminate the fat, we will eventually see our six packs emerging. Cardio exercises don’t always have to be jogging, sprinting, cycling, or any other common notion about cardio exercises. You can choose from various sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and a whole lot more. As long as they get your heart rate up, then you’re clearly burning off those calories from your body, especially on your mid-section.

For a leaner, more toned, and sexier flat stomach, you will need to do abdominal exercises. This is one of the best tips for a flat stomach. However, you won’t be able to achieve a flat stomach by doing this tip alone. You should incorporate the previously mentioned tips as well. Once you have eliminated the fat covering your six packs, toning and building your six packs will be much easier.

What’s your best flat stomach tip? Let other users know by sharing your comments below.

Get Female Abs – Six Pack Women Secrets

Most fitness trainers hear the question “How do I get a flat stomach?”The truth is getting a sexy body is going to take work. But with the help of female abs six pack women secrets, it will be a piece of cake. Getting a flat stomach and sculpted abs is going to take a combination of good nutrition, cardio exercise and exercises to target the ab muscles themselves. The best results happen when you combine all three of these techniques.

1. Good nutrition is the foundation for fitness. It is the key secret of female abs six pack women. You’ve got to control the kind and amount of food that you put into your body on a daily basis. If you get most of your calories from fast food and processed junk, you are not going to have a healthy body.

When you eat natural and whole foods, you’ll create a healthy physique. You’ll also give your body the best chance it has to create lean, tight abs.

Instead of cutting calories, try spreading your food intake out throughout the day into five to six small meals a day. You’ll keep your metabolism fired up all day long and burn more fat.

2. Exercise is the second important component of the female abs six pack women secrets. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat. It doesn’t matter what type you pick as long as you do it regularly.


Cardio exercise can include running, walking, dancing and cycling. Whatever moves your body and gets your heart pumping faster will help you burn fat. You’ll lose the fat that has built up over your ab muscles.

3. The last and most important female abs six pack women secret you should know is to continue with exercises specifically targeted to work your abdominal muscles.

Remember your ab muscles have three different layers. To reach all three, it is better to do less reps at a more intense pace.

A lot of women believe they need to do 50 to 100 crunches per day. They think that’s one great female abs six pack women secret. If you do these many reps, how can you be sure that you are using the right form? It’s better to do less reps correctly than lots of reps. When crunches are done properly, 15 to 20 a day should be plenty.

To do a proper crunch, you’ll have to focus on using you abdominal muscles, and not your back or arms, to lift your torso. Raise your head slowly and stop as your muscles contract. Don’t try to touch your knees. Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly return your head to the floor.

The key is in doing each crunch slowly and deliberately. Don’t power through them. Feel the muscles contract and hold them. This is the best way to get your dream body. Now, isn’t it good to know all the female abs six pack women secrets?